One Right Way.
Sometimes I need to be reminded of these sorts of things…
:: via The Marketing Fresh Peel
Sometimes I need to be reminded of these sorts of things…
:: via The Marketing Fresh Peel
Ooey and gooey and oh so delicious, it’s Caramel Week!
I’m absolutely craving sweets today and would do just about anything to have a slice of this mouthwatering Caramel and Cream Layer Cake sitting in front of me. I guarantee it would be gone in less than sixty seconds!
:: recipe and photo via Hostess with the Mostess
Posted In recipesAs everyone should know by now the presidential election is November 4th, only four measly days after Halloween. So if you’re feeling extra passionate about your candidate why not carve their likeness into your jack-o-lantern this year? Download templates for Obama, Biden, McCain and Palin right here.
Posted In downloads, halloween, holidays
An artist created this anonymous memorial to the economy.
:: via ffffound
Posted In monday goodnessWoohoo for the weekend! Autumn weather finally showed up here in Oklahoma this week in the form of a cool front. I’ll take it! I’ve spent evenings layered up (because I refuse to turn on my heater just yet) and drinking tea. And nights cozied up in bed under layers of covers. This time of year always makes me homesick for Pennsylvania and the fantastic fall temperatures and changing leaves though.
This Weekend:
• start looking for recipes for Christmas cookies (I’m going to make a bunch to take home to PA with me!)
• purchase the last piece for my Halloween costume
• eat copious amounts of Halloween candy
• finish painting china cabinet
• Mistletoe Market with my mama
• clean kitchen
Happy Weekend!
:: photo via ffffound
Posted In happy weekendI’m loving the DUKTIG children’s coffee and tea set that’s currently at IKEA. The entire set is designed in heavy duty porcelain and the colors just couldn’t be any better. In my opinion there needs to be an adult version!
:: via swissmiss
Posted In kidsDark Gingerbread Pear Cake. Sweet and spicy gingerbread with just the right amount of pear to keep things interesting.
:: recipe and photo via Caviar and Codfish
Posted In recipesWhen I saw Ann Wood’s breathatking cardboard castles on Apartment Therapy earlier this week I couldn’t resist checking her out further. What an inspiration. Wood creates the sort of things that you dreamt of as a child, but could never get quite right. Thankfully she never stopped trying. Looks like it all paid off not only in her castles, but also the ships and birds she creates.
Posted In create, mixed media
I could have written this one, that’s how often I think it…
Bubbly Pear Cupcakes concocted from pears and champagne as well as a healthy dose of cream cheese icing. YUM.
:: recipe and photo via YumSugar
Posted In recipes