International Women’s Day / A Day Without A Woman

Photo: Ace Hotel

I’ve gone back and forth in my head for days over whether or not I would actively participate in International Women’s Day and #DayWithoutAWoman. I’m a feminist, I believe in equal rights, I fight for equal wages and so much more, but something about the marked day felt… privileged? The idea of opting out of my normal Wednesday work duties when so many women (so many people!) cannot afford to take a day off felt… wrong?

And that’s the reason I decided to take part, actually. In support of gender-oppressed people who want better lives, who work their asses off just to make ends meet, who deserve to be treated as equally as you, me, and our so-called president.

I won’t be posting and if I do any shopping it will be with small, women- and minority-owned businesses. If you’re not able to take the day off from work but still want to participate you can show your support by wearing red. To learn more about the day, and the efforts behind it, check out the Women’s March page.

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