Tips&Tricks: Photography


Photography is the everyman’s art form, anyone can pick up a camera (or a smartphone) and start snapping away. It remains to be seen whether you’ll be any good at capturing beauty through the viewfinder, but man is it fun to try! Here are some tips&tricks for everything from your phone to manual mode.


Basic photo tips for bloggers.

How to take better photos with your phone.

Understanding ISO, aperture, and shutter speed.

10 tips for food photography and styling.

20 things I wish I knew about photographing in manual mode.

How to make a photo light box.

13 popular photography tips.

100 photography tutorials for beginners and professionals.

How to manage your personal photo collection like a professional photographer.

Essential photography gear.

Your guide to manual mode magic.

An introduction to digital photography.

A shutter speed chart.

How to create a home photography studio.

  • leigh hannan

    June 25, 2013 at 10:29 am Reply

    i read the ‘how to take pics with your iPhone’ article and it was really helpful! i downloaded a few apps from it and look forward to trying them out….photography is a problem area for me, and am always looking for tips. thanks for the great resource!

  • Dayna @kaleidoscopebrain

    June 26, 2013 at 8:32 pm Reply

    Wow! Seriously a great list! I pinned every one of these, and wasted a good half hour browsing them! ha!

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