Nicolo Sertorio

Nicolo Sertorio-1-Design Crush


In Passages II: Rest Areas photographer Nicolo Sertorio documents rest areas along the U.S. Interstate road system. I’ve never come across such beautifully maintained and aesthetics rest stops in any of my road trip travels in America, but Sertorio’s project has me thinking that just maybe I’ve been looking in the wrong places.


Established in the early sixties, safety rest areas are part of the US interstate road system. They are currently managed by the department of transportation of individual state governments; hence the disparate philosophies, designed, and conditions. Largely replaced by commercial gas stations and food chains, in combination with the decrease of private interstate vehicle traffic and state budgets, they mostly sit abandoned and unused in varying states of decay.

Having lost their function they become all about form, the empty symmetries attempting to control nature, as per a bygone ideology seeking to conquer the terrain. Symmetry, emptiness, and beauty confront their own meaninglessness in ratlin to the landscape.


Nicolo Sertorio-2-Design Crush


Nicolo Sertorio-3-Design Crush


Nicolo Sertorio-4-Design Crush


Nicolo Sertorio-5-Design Crush

(via Miss Moss)

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