
Not to sound full of myself, but I’m pretty sure this is the be all, end all of popsicle roundups. There’s a little something for everyone: the foodies, the purists, the ones who prefer frozen yogurt, the ones who prefer a little alcohol, everyone. Tweny-five options to be exact. The post I did last summer on the cold guys was one of DC’s most viewed ever, so I thought you’d all be up for another round – was I right?

Click on the photo to be taken to the recipe.

























All photos and recipes copyright of their respective source unless otherwise noted.


Win It: MOO Stickers



It’s been awhile since I’ve run a giveaway. But I’ve been a huge fan of MOO and their clever pint-sized MiniCards since their infancy, so when they contacted me about hosting one for their latest and greatest product of course I said yes.

Introducing Moo’s new round and rectangular stickers! MOO’s unique printing technology ‘printfinity’ allows you to place a different image or design on every single sticker. Upload your company logo, photos, designs, whatever. And if you’re at a loss MOO has plenty of their own you can choose from. These stickers are so versatile you can use them for product labels, name tags, business cards, photo stickers, literally anything your mind can think of!

And lucky you, five of you will win a set of 100 stickers (50 of each new shape)!


How to Enter:

1. Post a comment below and tell us what you plan to use your MOO stickers for. The more creative, the more fun, the better.
2. Enter a valid email address so we are able to contact you.

Five winners will be chosen from the comments by MOO and myself next Tuesday, July 5, 2011 and notified. Good luck!


Happy Weekend

PHOTO: sonya

01.  a proper place setting placemat
02. a hypothetical company based on puns
03. vanilla milk with chocolate ice cubes!
04. pretty photography of square foods
05. make a striped camera bag strap
06. great article on why we can’t let design become a boys’ club
07. super duper easy DIY concrete planters
08. rad trailer for a hypothetical Wes Anderson Film Festival