Birthday Cake(s).

Is there any better kind? Believe it or not, I’m picky when it comes to food. But cake? Totally different story. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever met one I didn’t like. Here are a few I’d be happiest to find on my doorstep, in my mailbox, and in my face come the 4th. (I love the Good Housekeeping circa 1950 names and looks a few of them have!)


Happy Weekend.

{via ffffound}

+ I really, really needed this. Bonus: it’s free.

+ Spaghetti Tacos!!!

+ Prayers the world over have been answered with the Gangsta Lorem Ipsum generator!

+ Geeking out over being able to print + use my very own sundial.

+ Mesmerized by this Kaarina Kaikkonen’s installation.

+ And this rainbow forest.

+ This week has been rough, who’s day isn’t brightened by a sweet compliment?

+ Have you checked out the 1010 Project? It doesn’t disappoint.

+ Letterpress stamped cookies. For reals.

+ Just in case you’re curious about the birth of Wonder Woman

Happy Weekend!

PS: Not much time left to get in on the 2011 Calendar Swap, hope you’ll be joining us!