The Daily Eat: Pear Nutmeg Bread Pudding + Pear Roundup.

{recipe and photo via Culinary Concoctions by Peabody}

I’m sort of a bread pudding-a-holic. I inherited it from my mom, so I’m convinced it’s hereditary. Dying to try this recipe for Pear Nutmeg Bread Pudding.


2010 Calendar Swap.

I’ve been chomping at the bit for weeks just waiting to share the news – Greedy Girl (aka Caroline) and I have teamed up to bring you the 2010 Calendar Swap!

Here’s how it works:

+ e-mail your name, blog or web site, and snail-mail address to by Saturday, October 31.
+ we’ll pair you up and send your swapmate’s details on or before Monday, November 2.
+ you’ll have until November 15 to get your calendar mailed and on its way.
+ keep your calendar under $30 but no less than $20 (since there are also some wonderful calendars out there that don’t add up to $20, consider throwing in a few extra goodies).
+ NO mall kiosk calendars (kittens, marilyn monroe, you get it).
+ handmade is very welcome, just keep in mind the $30 suggested value.
+ check out your swapmate’s web site or blog, or consider getting to know their tastes via e-mail, to get an idea of what they might like.
+ the swap is open to international readers.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy, no?

Caroline and I will set up a place on flickr where we can post and share all of our lovely goods that we’ve received from our swap partners. Or, you can email a photo to one of us and we’ll do the posting for you. Simple!

If you have any questions just leave a comment or drop us an email and we’ll get back to you right away. But don’t forget, you need to email
to actually join the swap!

Now obviously the fun part of the equation is finding the perfect calendar. And we’ve got you covered! Each and every day, this coming Tuesday through Friday, I’ll be posting calendar roundups of the prettiest and best out there. Caroline will be following up with her favorite each day. So hurry and sign up, my dears, and stay tuned for some lovely calendar giveaways along the way!


3 to See.

A yummy collection of original recipes
by Rachel Rappaport

Abbey’s take on the design and inspiration
that waits for us around every corner

The musings of Karen Cavalier,
an industrial designer in Seattle

Check out past 3 to See posts


Word: The Bedlam of Beefy.

This week’s Word is brought to you courtesy of Uncle Beefy of The Bedlam of Beefy. Read on friends, I swear it’s like a novel excerpt…

Go get it. Go, go, go. Get, get, get. It was the long-running theme of her life. She always seemed to be the one to “get it”… but never actually got it. The getting was invariably for someone else. Friends, family, even complete strangers had all reaped the rewards of her attention and servitude but the swell of pride she’d take with her for her selflessness was often shallow and short-lived.

All her life she silently watched from the sidelines trying to calculate the formula that would see her rise up and meet her glory. The right shoes, the right hair, the right attitude, the right voice: it was all negotiated until she had no voice left. At least not her own. But others’ invasive whispers would menacingly creep through her company. Sometimes at night, in the quiet of her own head space, her voice just might bubble through the cacophony of external clamor. But even then it usually ended in a battle between self-deprecation and self-esteem which rarely stood a chance in the first place.

So much baggage and the excess weight fees were seriously steep to her emotional bank account. And her back was killing her. What was she pulling around all this time? Sifting through the sordid unmentionables of her life, she realized that all the things she thought she had needed to define herself and her worth just wound up being someone else’s shit. There was just no hanging on to it anymore. The universe is one bitch of a gate agent and had finally told her that, unless she wanted to pay the penalty, it was time to lighten the load.

“Go get it”, she finally thought. And now she got it alright. A one-way First Class ticket that would take her straight into who she was always meant to be. Straight up or on the rocks, this time the getting would be good.


Picture It.

Dang, this cold/congestion/achy thing that makes me sound like a commercial for Nyquil will not high tail it outta here! This is all I want to do. Preferably with loads of blankets, some soup and lots of mindless television.