Picture It: Fall.

{Eleanor Hardwick}

I’m so ready for fall, it’s my very favorite season. This is the time of year that I miss Pennsylvania the most. The colorful leaves, the crispness in the air, breaking out cozy sweaters and jackets. Everything that’s doesn’t really happen here in Oklahoma. Or if it does, lasts for only a week or two. What activity are you most looking forward now that fall is here?

Blogger’s Etiquette.

I received a highly disturbing email from a disgruntled blogger this morning. She insisted I remove a post about a recipe of hers that I posted a year ago. Full credit had been given to her for both her recipe and photograph and linked directly back to her blog and the actual post. Yet she reported me to Blogger for running a “splog” anyway. I’m attaching the email not to call her out, but to get your opinions, ala Carrie Bradshaw. Is posting material that’s not your own bad blogging, whether you link to the original source or not??

“Stepped on my toes” simply put you stole a photo, in fact all the photos on your site are stolen some from friends of mine. It does not matter if you link back to the original blog or not. You are directing traffic to your site by using others work. You are operating a splog and I’ve reported you to blogger.”


Word: Two Brunettes.

this is it.

the last time.

It was.

I swear.

I am strong.

I am smart.

I will never look back.

I will never be ashamed.

I am beautiful.

I need only me.

+ + + + + + +


He is part of me.

Thanks a million times over to Carolynn of Two Brunettes for flexing her writing muscles for this week’s WORD! If you’ve been under a rock for the past year or so and haven’t seen her lovely paper goods hop on over to Two Brunettes asap and take a gander.


Win It: Rachel Pfeffer Designs.

I love patterns. Especially the organic variety, they just somehow seem so much more magical. The fact that plants and animals are capable of creating such beauty is mind blowing to me! I’m going stretch so far as to say that Rachel Pfeffer probably agrees. She decided to craft this handmade honeycomb necklace after photographing the real thing.

To Enter:
1. Tell me your favorite way to eat honey
2. Leave your email address (those who do now are automatically disqualified)
3. Do it all before Monday, September 28th at 9am CST for a chance to win!

In the meantime, be sure to stop by Rachel’s shop to see her full line of intricate jewelry!


Win It: Sara Norris Photography Winner.

Congrats Michael! And thanks a million to Sarah for sponsoring such a fun and revealing contest.

My favorite photo of myself? This one. Taken by my dad’s best friend on a walk. Funny how the people who capture the best side of you are usually ones who know you so well.


The Daily Eat: Lemon Buttermilk Tart + Buttermilk Roundup.

True to my word, I’m not leaving you hanging on the roundup from last week’s Buttermilk Week. I’ve been craving citrus lately, so this Lemon Buttermilk Tart looks absolutely divine!


3 to See.

Lovely things
that make every day pretty

Loads of inspiration
(be sure to check out her house!)

The sweet side of life
through the eyes and recipes of Helen