And the Winner is: The Left Handed Calligrapher.

Congratulations to Lizzie.Civ from the daily crouton! The Random Number Generator chose your comment as the winner of Win It: The Left Handed Calligrapher. Her comment read:Please email me at and I’ll have you info passed on to Nicole and you two can take it from there. And speaking of Nicole, thank you so very much for collaborating on this contest and offering up an absolutely ah-maz-ing giveaway!


Happy {Easter} Weekend.

Hello weekend! It’s so nice to see you again.

This Weekend:
• dye eggs with my mom
• work on painting my china cabinet
• celebrate Easter at my mom + stepdad’s
• bake this for Easter dessert
• finish reading Eclipse
• visit with L

Happy Weekend!
Happy Easter!

** Don’t forget to enter the contest to win some of The Left Handed Calligrapher‘s amazing work! (You have until Monday at noon CST.) Stop by her blog – A Flick of the Pen – for additional inspiration!

:: image via ffffound


3 to See.

All three of this week’s blogs are relatively new finds to me. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have!


Roundup: Easter Goodies.

Clockwise: Rice Krispie Easter Eggs from Bouchon Bakery, Chocolate-Covered Peepsicles, Peach and Prosecco Ice, Hot Cross Buns

Clockwise: Cadbury Creme Brul’egg, Deviled Eggs, Homemade Creme Eggs, Spring Easter Meringues

Clockwise: DIY Easter Mobile, Naturally Dyed Eggs, Chocolate Covered Macaroons, Homemade Marshmallow Peeps

Clockwise: Easter Bunny Card, Envelope + Bag Download, Vosges Chocolate Easter Bunnies, DIY Easter Basket, Smeeps