
I’d been meaning to make my own rope bracelet all summer, when I came across junghwa and accepted that it was never going to happen. My order showed up in my mailbox Monday in a little pouch with a wooden tag attached and a coupon for my next purchase. I ordered the I Love Knots bracelet, and even though I have small wrists it felt a little snug. I’m counting on the ropes to stretch a bit as I wear it, but otherwise I couldn’t be happier with my purchase.


BirdProject Soap

Each of these black bird-shaped soaps is made from natural, locally-sourced Louisiana ingredients. Wash, wash, wash your hands to reveal a white ceramic bird handmade by the artist. It’s no surprise that the purchase of the soap is a 50% donation to the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Disaster recovery efforts.



A-FACE-A-DAY is a project by an Austrian art director/illustrator that’s been going on for the past ten years, now it’s finally being shared with the world. I love the quirky aspects of each and every drawing, it makes them seem more like the real people they are.


Indie Cases


Indie Cases commissions iPhone 4 case designs from the best independent designer and manufacturers in the country. Each week. That’s right, each series is only available in a limited number for one week and then it’s on to something new. Want a totally affordable, unique phone cover? This is your place. (via Colossal)


Long Winter Farm

As soon as Anabela mentioned the perfume oil she’d purchased from Long Winter Farm, I knew I had to check this place out because she always finds the best perfumes. And I’m so, so glad I did. I picked up a roll-on Black Coconut for myself as well as a tube of Earl Grey lip balm (which they appear to be out of at the moment). I’m wearing the perfume oil for the first time today and keep catching sweet whiffs of summer. The lip balm has been living in my fridge between uses and feels divine and cool when I put it on. It also stands up to high temps, I can attest to this because it spent a steaming 105 degree day in my mailbox. I’m already eyeing Campfire for fall along with everything else for Christmas gifts – it’s all ridiculously affordable and unique.


18 Hours in Seattle

Friday, July 14th, 2011

0700 hours Central Time
Wake up. Feed Piper. Shower. Drink coffee. Get ready. Pack last minute things.

Leave house for airport. Eat granola bar in car.

Find parking spot in garage after long search. Attempt to remember location of car without writing it down.

Make way to Self-Check In counter at United. Learn that connecting flight from Denver to Seattle has been cancelled. (Denver had apparently had hailstorms two days prior.)

Rebooked on later flight. Arrival moves from 1:02pm to 7:47pm.

Make way through security line. See ex with his wife and child. Awkward.

Regret not wearing shoes with socks.

Speed-walk to gate. Board immediately.

I’m on a plane!

1015 Mountain Time
Land in Denver.

Find next United flight to Seattle. Get on standby list.

Find nearest restaurant. Wait 15 minutes to order. Order turkey sandwich and a Fat Tire.

Note how awesome it is that pre-noon communal drinking is a preferred and accepted activity in airports.

Am seduced by the candy shop across the concourse. Fall prey to a piece of peanut butter chocolate fudge.

Sit at standby gate. Watch birds hop around and eat crumbs.

Pick up on DIA trends. Clogs. Vinyl backpacks. Water bottles. Lots of iPads. No makeup.

Read. Desperately want to nap.

Accept the fact that I won’t get onto this flight. The plane has been downsized. Call junior high BFF to tell her we won’t have time for coffee after all.

Walk to next gate. At least I’m confirmed on this flight.

This girl shows up and sits across from me. Best suitcase. She’s wearing a Proenza Schouler rope necklace, has neon yellow nails, natural dark red hair that’s long + wavy, a great complexion, and wristful of bracelets. Instant girl crush.

A man with actual Tourette’s sits near me, obviously disgruntled.

Board plane. Sandwiched between hippies in my seat.

I’m on a plane!

See a mountaintop peeking up through the clouds. Unbelievable.

I’m eating a fruit and cheese plate. Feeling the tiniest bit fancy. Still sitting between hippies. One with his socks tucked into the seat pocket.

1940 Pacific Time
Land in Seattle. Breathe.

Picked up by Nissan.

Find out I’ve missed dinner at Canlis. Sad face.

Driven through downtown to make up for it. Immediately fall in love with lush greenery and tree-lined streets.

There’s Pike Place Market! Empty. Realize it’s a street, not a square like I’ve always pictured.

Dropped off at Hotel 1000. Check in and pick up media materials at the front desk. The USB fob looks just like the one I have for my car! Nice idea.

Get to my room. Utter obscenities at the sheer amazingness of it. King bed! Free-standing tub that fills from the ceiling! Fantastic smelling Molton Brown bath products! French press coffee! Chocolate on my bed! I’m smitten.

Compelled to try out this big, beautiful bath tub.

Dress to head down to meet friends at BOKA.

Meet up with Maggie, Bradford, Cassandra, Anne, and Sarah. Reunite with Megan and Erin. Cocktails and appetizers run freely.


Saturday, July 15th, 2011

0030 Hours
Say our goodbyes.

Set up wake up call. Collapse into bed. Finally.

Wake with a start at the alarm clock next to my bed. It’s still set from the room’s last occupant.

Make coffee. Note how great the blackout shades work.

Realize I’ve forgotten my hairbrush. This should be interesting.

Go over the day’s itinerary. Marvel at my life.

Shower. Get ready. Think how cool it is that the TV greets me with my name.

Pack up. Say goodbye to one of my favorite hotel rooms ever.

Make my way to breakfast and the Nissan Versa presentation.

Chat with Jessica, the event organizer whom I’ve been emailing with forever.

Eat the best French toast ever. The French toast of dreams.

Hear from the Nissan Versa product planner and marketing manager. They keep it short and sweet.

High points: Car designs are actually 5-10 years of what’s on the lot now. The new Versa model is a killer value (base is $10,990!!) and incredibly roomy. It gets 38 MPG on the highway and 30 MPG in the city. Package options include bluetooth. USB/iPod direct connections, navigation, XM Radio, and touchscreen technology. If you got everything it would top out around $16,000. Insane.

We get to see the new Versa for the first time. Initial impression: It looks like a car that costs more. Realize my 2009 Nissan Altima Coupe cost more than twice as
much and doesn’t have the same technology. Whoa, things move fast.

Anne and I choose a light silver number and immediately hook up her iPhone to the car. It is determined that Florence and the Machine will be our starting soundtrack.

Anne and I get lost from the pack. Half a block from the hotel. This is not an exaggeration.

After discovering my navigation and map-reading skills need work, we decide to drive around the city testing the car and pretending like we live here.

It’s raining (it is Seattle, after all) and the Versa’s doing really well handling the wet streets. We talk about how comfortable the interior is – narrow without feeling cramped.

Top Pot Doughnuts here we come! This place has been highly recommended to the both of us, so who cares that we ate breakfast two hours ago.

People here honk a lot.

Photo shoot in the parking lot next to Top Pot.

There’s a decent line, but we’re committed the wait. I adore the modern feel and the book-lined walls.

I ask for their best seller, the glazed. It ends up being a massive burger-sized doughnut. Anne picks up a tractor tire and chocolate along with a small Ovaltine latte. (I know!!)

We sit outside and chat and take pictures of our gigantic, delicious pastries.

On the road again. This time I’m behind the wheel. We head towards the Sound and take a few more pictures of the Versa. It’s doing really well on the (unsuspected to me) hills.

I inadvertently pass Wexley School for Girls, a design shop I’ve been stalking for years!

I see my first cruise ship in person! Whoa. We laugh about the Red Robin nestled between all of the seafood restaurants.

We pop in to see Olympic Sculpture Park. Take more photos, including an obligatory self-portrait or ten. (This is my hair on no brushing.)

On our way to the Space Needle to meet the group for lunch.

Made it! The Need (as the locals say) is up there, but not as tall as I’d thought.

We head to the tippy top. Since we’re an event group we get to bypass all the long lines. Feeling sort of rockstar-ish.

That. Elevator. Is. Fast.

It’s still overcast, but wow is the city pretty. Bite of Seattle is going on down below.

Lunch on a lower level. The broiled fish is amazing, of course. There are tiny little desserts that I’m way too full to eat.

I say my goodbyes, it’s my turn to head to Sea-Tac airport.

A souvenir is a must, so I popped into the gift shop (which is the entire lower level) and pick up a gorgeous set of opalescent glass bangles from a local artist.

Van leaves for the airport, but not before I notice once more how lush and green everything is. It starts raining harder. Seattle is obviously just as sad to see me go as I am to leave.

Dropped off curbside. Check myself in (with no problems this time), make it through security, and take a minute to check out the window mosaics by Dick Weiss.

I’m on a plane! Next to two children! Luckily one is an adorable redhead named Charlie. And their dad looks like Eminem.

Mercifully manage to fall asleep for about 30 minutes.

1815 Hours Mountain Time
Land back in Denver. Deplane and see that – SHOCKER! – my flight back to OKC has been delayed until a 9:50pm departure.

Break up with Denver and United.

Stop in a French bistro for hummus, veggies, and grapes for dinner. Oh, and chocolate milk.

Pass my time at the gate with the other agitated passengers.

See a family who’s missed their flight. Twice. Ummm.

Sleep with my eyes open.

Notice woman sitting two rows away from me. Reading out loud to herself.

Mentally calculate what time I should be able to be asleep by.

Finally board plane. This time there is thankfully a seat between me and the gentleman next to me.

I’m on a plane….


Sunday, July 16, 2011

0015 Hours Central Time
Back in OKC, much to my delight. I’m so happy to only have a carry-on.

Somehow manage to remember where I parked. It was only yesterday morning, but feels like days ago.

The cats are meh about my arrival home. I wash my face and fall into bed. Silently thank the universe for all the opportunities I have and Nissan for a crazy eventful trip!


Disclaimer: Nissan provided travel, meals and the opportunity to drive the 2012 Versa vehicle before it was on sale. The facts are theirs, the opinions are 100% mine.