Snow Cream

Yesterday while perusing Facebook I saw that my friend Kelsi mentioned she’d just made some Snow Cream. Since I’m snowbound in my house and have approximately 800 three foot tall snowdrifts in my yard, I thought FREE SNOW!, then what the hell and asked for the recipe she used. I probably should have added a little more of that free snow in retrospect, but it turned out to be a nice little perk of not being able to leave the house.

Snow Cream

• 1 cup milk
• 1/2 cup sugar
• 1/2 tsp vanilla (but you could really use any extract flavor)
• 4-5 cups fresh, clean snow

Mix together milk, sugar, and vanilla until dissolved. (I used a metal bowl to keep things extra chilly.) Then stir in snow and chow down immediately.


Grow Bottles

Grow Bottles are upcycled planting kits composed completely of sourced and re-purposed materials. The containers are made from cut reclaimed wine bottles, half of which is inverted, and come with organic seeds. Choose from basil, chives, mint, parsley, and oregano. {via The Dieline}