agenda 2011

Now this is how you take a daily planner to the next level, my friends! Julie Joliat’s agenda 2011 combines monthly and weekly calendars with connect the dots, famous works of art, maps, holidays, wine charts, and who even knows what else. Functional Swiss minimalism strikes again! {via swissmiss}


Monday Goodness: Onward & Upward

Christopher David Ryan

Happy first Monday of 2011! I hope your year is off to a rousing start. This week is going to be a bit front heavy I’m afraid, Wednesday I’ll be heading back (once again) to Pennsylvania for Orthodox Christmas. That means things should officially be back to normal around here beginning next Monday. I can’t wait.


Here’s to 2011.

Adam J. Kurtz
via Have and Hold

Truth be told I had some bigger things planned for New Years on the blog but, well, life sort of got in the way. (As life tends to do.) You might recall that in past years I’ve been a staunchly anti-resolution girl. And I can’t say that that’s changed for 2011. What I can say is that I have some things I want to pay a little bit more attention to.

1. Volunteer more often.
2. Get a new hobby. Like boxing.
3. Become involved in more creative collaborations.

That’s it. Three things. Three things that I actually want to do. And with that… beat it 2010. You sort of sucked.

PS: Thanks for hanging around for another year and reading Design Crush. It brings me more joy than you know!


Egg Press + Blue Sky for Target.

I’ve ogled Egg Press’s pretty patterns for as long as I can remember, so when they gave me the heads up that they were teaming up with Blue Sky to create a line of exclusive calendars for Target I was really excited. It’s always nice to start off a new year with a clean slate. And everything from wall calendars to planners are on Target’s shelves right this very second. Might I suggest snapping one or three up before they sell out? Because they will.


A Look Back.

I promised to pop in, didn’t I? And here I am, with a look back at some of my favorite posts of 2010.

+ These tights from Les Queues de Sardines.
+ Gorgeous tattoo work from Amanda Wachob.
+ These glass containers from Burgon & Ball.
+ Scandalous jewelry from Cast of Vices.
+ Delicious Design League’s Masculine Feminine print.
+ Constellation birthday cards from bluepoolroad.
+ Tattoo inspiration.
+ This roundup of popsicle recipes.
+ My ideal camping trip.
+ Loads of homemade candy to make on your own.
+ Them Bones.
+ Mouthy jewelry from In God We Trust.
+ This paint job inspired by Missoni.
+ Gorgeous lockets from Verabel + Alyson Fox.


Merry Christmas.

Andrew Bannecker

I’m signing out for the week and heading home to the snowy hills of Pittsburgh for Christmas! Plenty of time will be spent going to old haunts, visiting with friends, and spending QT with the family. Blogging will be a little spotty over the next few weeks, but I’ll be popping in here and there. Until next time, have a splendid holiday no matter your plans. Take some time for yourself, enjoy the magic this time of year brings, and don’t forget to smile.


Framed Friday: Eggnog Cookies.

Hi there, this is Kate from Framed Cooks. Framed Cooks started as a two week photography project, and two years later here I am, still trying to cook with teenagers and dogs constantly underfoot, still taking pictures of my supper, and still writing about my kitchen escapades for anyone who wants to listen to me! My basic rule of thumb is this: everything I cook needs to be easy enough to make when you only have about 30 minutes to get dinner on the table… AND it needs to be something you haven’t made a million times before, because suppertime is so much happier when the food is interesting.

‘Tis the season of eggnog, and I love eggnog just a little bit too much for my own good. I am SO happy to buy that first carton that shows up on the supermarket shelf, but after I have a glass or two I start getting that little annoying voice in my head that reminds me that eggnog is about one million calories a glassful, and that’s before you start eating the Christmas cookies that go along with it.

This cookie is the answer to all of that. It’s a light and delicious little treat with just a hint of eggnog flavor in it (there is only 1/4 cup of eggnog in the whole batch), and those little brown flecks on the top of the cookie? Yep, nutmeg. It’s like having a cup of eggnog AND a Christmas cookie, all in one scrumptious package. Plus they are a snap to make.

And, if you have any eggnog left over after all that, you can make this.

The end.

Except for the recipe, which I snagged from the always fabulous The Cooking Photographer’s blog – LOVE her.

Eggnog Cookies

from The Cooking Photographer

• 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
• 1 cup sugar
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 1/2 scant teaspoon mace or nutmeg
• 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
• 1 egg
• 1/4 cup full fat eggnog
• 1 teaspoon baking soda
• 2 cups all-purpose flour

1. Line cookie sheets with parchment paper. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Beat the butter, sugar, salt, mace and vanilla extract together until fluffy. Mix in the egg and eggnog. Mix in baking soda, and then beat in flour until just combined.

3. With a standard (size 50) cookie scoop, scoop the batter and place on sheets 2 inches apart. Sprinkle dough very lightly with mace and bake for 10 minutes, or until golden around the edges. Let rest for 2 minutes on sheets then move to cooling rack.