Pretty Foods & Pretty Drinks is a tumblelog that I wish I’d thought to create first! The curator posts food and drink that need only meet one criteria: be pretty. It’s also now my Happy Place for bad days… {via kitsune noir}
Posted In blog love, foodI love this chalkboard globe because it’s freakin’ genius. And because I collect globes. The outlines of the continents are permanent, but everything else is up to your imagination. {via bltd}
I love that this well-designed wall barbeque takes advantage of untapped space. Perfect for small spaces and extremely secure, this one even folds up when not in use.
I wore a watch religiously starting in junior high and continuing throughout college. And then when I hit the workforce ground running I stopped. The world of keyboard trays has really managed to cramp my watch-wearing style with all of its banging, clanking and pinching. I’m hoping to get back in the saddle sometime soon, perhaps with Orient’s CEV09002B or CFM00001B. In the meantime, the ladies out there have the chance to win this pink-faced BNQ1P001M.
To Enter, Tell Me:
1. Are you always early, on time or late?
2. Your email address {for my use only}
3. Do it all before Monday, June 21st at 9am CST.
The Fine Print: Please leave only one comment. Those who do not leave a valid email address will be disqualified. Winner will be selected randomly and contacted Monday, June 21st.
Because everyone deserves a gold star or 150 to start the week out right. Especially my locals in Oklahoma City battling the flood waters to get into the office today.
Posted In monday goodness+ Buy one of Lindsey’s photo prints and 100% of the proceeds go to the Audobon Society, who are helping preserve wetlands, healing animals and cleaning up BP’s mess in the Gulf
+ Pouring over Letterheady, an online homage to offline correspondence
+ Build an honest-to-goodness sidecar for your bicycle
+ A plethora of printables for Father’s Day
+ And a roundup of the best letterpress Father’s Day cards out there
+ Feeling inspired by Catherine Soto’s letters to people who hate her
Happy Weekend!
Posted In cards, collaboration/project, do good, downloads, father's day, happy weekend, holidays, make it, online