
You’ve probably seen this beauty and the rest of the collection from Land-Rich all over the place by now, but I can’t resist sharing, too. I adore the concept, each quarter a new edition of products will be debuted that will then become a part of Land-Rich’s permanent collection. Each piece is reminiscent of a simple time, inspired by nature and classic design. I can hardly wait for next quarter!


Wish Gift List: Ill Seen, Ill Said.

Jane here from Ill Seen, Ill Said! I’m one of those freakish people who likes giving more than receiving. If I ever came into real money, I’d spend equal parts on myself and all my friends, no doubt burning through the entire windfall with ridiculous speed. So, when Kelly asked me to contribute a fantasy gift list, I was ready, willing and able!

My Mum is gentle and homey and Ireland’s damp windy days often get to her. A cashmere sweater from TSE would keep her warm and cozy, but in the manner to which she’s become accustomed.

Daddy is retiring this winter and has been exploring photography as a retirement pastime. He has a great eye, but is learning digital photography for the first time. I’d make it easier on him by splurging on a Leica.

Laura is my knitting friend. Her love of textiles is unparalleled and thanks to her influence, I’ve learned to look at material labels much more closely than I ever did. She’d love a Melin Tregwynt Welsh blanket for nights curling up knitting.

My Irish friend Jen is getting married next summer. I love Jen. She’s crazy about Anais Nin, 1920’s style and is hopelessly romantic. I’d love to buy her something vintage and special to have for her wedding (it could be her something blue too!)

Karen is my most forgetful friend. But when I blogged about this Arctic Pear lamp from Ochre it made an imprint on her consciousness and she waxes lyrical about it very often. I’d love to watch her unwrap this gift!

Candace is my crazy friend. She’s lived in Toronto her whole life, but still doesn’t know where anything is. We get drunk and silly together and watch the most terrible TV. And one Halloween we dressed up as Edina and Patsy from AbFab. Because it’s equal parts funny and showy, she’d love this antique chandelier.

For my blog world friends (including Kelly!) I would buy up these calendars from Hello Handmade Paperie. I already nabbed one for myself and, believe me, they’re every bit as beautiful in person.

I don’t have a beau. But this is a fantasy post, so why not pretend! If I did I have, no doubt he would share my love of literature. This perfect man would love nothing more than this signed edition of Yeats’ poems. We’d curl up on the couch and read it while it snowed outside…

Although I can’t afford gifts like these, they do embody the essence of my friends and express a bit of what I try to inject into every gift I buy for them. I would love nothing more than to really shower the people on this list with these exact gifts. Thanks Kelly for letting my imagination run wild!



What a great idea from ticings – peel and press cake decorations. Their frosting sheets merge with soft frosting to create photographic quality art that won’t drag when it’s cut. Talk about looking like you slaved over something for hours! {via Something Old, Something New}


Wish Gift List: A Great Full Day.

When putting together my Holiday Wish Gift List I couldn’t help but think that all the recipients on my list were already so blessed! Sure I’d love to give my loves-to-bake sister a KitchenAid Mixer with all the attachments. A BMW x5 has always been my parents dream car. And I’d love to gift my hubby a first edition of Jack Kerouac’s On The Road. But as you can see, they must all be pretty lucky to even dream of these things.

So many across the world dream of simple luxuries that I know I take for granted more often than not. So I decided I was going to put together an ultimate wish gift list. A list for those in real need of a gift. So here we go…take a look at my list and feel free to help dreams come true by clicking on the links.

To: The Hungry Children Across the World

A Gift of Cows, Goats, a Flock of Chicks and a Pig from Heifer International. These little critters will get you started and soon you and your family will have regular meals to eat! And for a little fun, I’d give you the Polar Critter Collection from Moonstruck chocolate because every one deserves a little chocolate–and they are cute too, I’m sure they’d make you smile.

To: The Thirsty Villages
A Freshwater Well from Charity:Water. This gift will provide you with clean drinking water and safety from disease and sickness. It will also give you back many hours that you’d usually spend walking to get water allowing you to work or go to school. And I’d throw in some fun SIGG bottles so you’d always have water on hand, no matter where you wander.

To: The Sick Children and Their Families
I’d love to give you the cure to cancer, or the medicine to stop your hurting but it is not there to give just yet. So I’d make a very large donation in each and every one of your names to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. With this extra funding, scientists could find the medicines and techniques to take away your pain. And to brighten the days until this happens, I’d also like to send you “An Awesome Book” from Dallas Clayton. It will help realize the power of your dreams.

To: The Abused Animals
For you sweet, innocent animals I’d like to give you a visit to the vet. Don’t worry it is not all bad! They’ll get you all fixed up and bathe you too. Once you are all ready to go, I’d give you a loving family that will give you lots of belly rubs, slobbery kisses and a spot on the bed. By donating to the ASPCA, my money will help you all find your forever homes. A fancy new collar from Blanket will keep you looking cute and make sure you never end up lost and lonely.

To: Lost and Lonely Souls
I offer you the peace and joy that only a loving God can give. To help all of you find the words that will heal your heart and make your life worth living I’d donate to Samaritan’s Purse. They’d be able to provide you a Bible and direction in your new journey. To make sure you always remember that you are loved, I’d also like to give you Cartier’s Love Bracelet to wear as a reminder.

To: The World
I’d like to buy the world a coke! You know like the commercial. Now I know that this wouldn’t solve the rest of the problems and issues out there today but I have to think that the fizzy bubbling goodness would at least bring temporary peace. And while we’re at it…let’s try singing a song too, the harmony doesn’t even have to be perfect. That’d be nice!

This is my ultimate wish gift list (condensed). I know that my friends and family would be happy to forgo their own presents for life in order to make these happen – wouldn’t you? I know it is a big, big wish list but a girl can dream. Maybe one day this list won’t even be needed! Now that would be the ultimate gift.

A very merry Christmas to you and yours!
May the Spirit of the season be with you year round.

Gratefully yours,
{ Lindsey }

Thanks, Lindsey, for putting things into perspective and warming our hearts. You can read more from Lindsey at A Great Full Day!


Word: Bread of Many.

{via ffffound, no source}

I wish…

…I wish I was as loyal as ‘Dusty Springfield’ by the Haywains

…I wish I was as charming as ‘C is the Heavenly Option’ by Heavenly

…I wish I was as brave as ‘Birthday’ by the Sugarcubes

…I wish I was as confident as ‘Crazy’ by Pylon

…I wish I was as optimistic as ‘Rise and Shine’ by the Cardigans

I wish I was music to someone’s ears.

Thanks to Haley of Bread of Many for this week’s super creative Word! Spin on over to her etsy shop for an eyeful of awesomeness.