Modern Genealogy.

At one point or another I’m willing to bet you had to put together a family tree. I was in the 3rd grade.. And I can still remember sitting on the hallway floor outside of the bathroom while my mother got ready for work and grilling her about her huge side of the family. I don’t remember much else, but I guarantee that the end result looked nothing like these stunning modern genealogy charts over at My Tree and Me. (Definitely another item destined for my ever-expanding Christmas List!) {via Design*Sponge}


Golly Bard.

And I mean big time crush. I’m thisclose to doodling Golly Bard (aka Holly) all over my notebook cover! She’s constantly (and i mean constantly) adding new pieces to her shop. Each watercolor has the same attention to detail as the next and Holly seems equally in love with all of them. I can already tell that I may not get over this one for awhile…


Win It: paper bullet.

I’ve been a fan of the art and illustration of Lisa Romero for quite some time and I love her tendency to gravitate towards the girlish things in life. You can check out her portfolio at her site, paper bullet, and flickr for yourself because, dang, this lady has got some serious talent! And of course don’t forget her shop… you’d be missing out on awesomeness.

This week one of you have the opportunity to win an original piece of Lisa’s work! That’s right, an original, not a print! It’s ink and acrylic on watercolor paper and measures 5.25 X 6.25.

To Enter, Tell Me:
1. All about your favorite pair of shoes!
2. Your email address to be notified if you win (those who do not will be disqualified)
3. Do it all before Monday, November 9th at 9am CST


The Daily Eat: Pumpkin Brioche Cinnamon Rolls + Pumpkin Roundup #1.

I love pumpkin-centric recipes just about more than any others, so I thought I’d continue on like last week and add a little mini-roundup to each day’s The Daily Eat. It helps me get rid of some of my stashed recipe links and maybe (just maybe) it will give you some new bookmarks of your own!

I’ve never made my own cinnamon rolls before, but I’m liking the looks of these Pumpkin Brioche Cinnamon Rolls. I think experimentation time is drawing near… maybe for Thanksgiving breakfast?


Monday Goodness: This Day.

This past weekend ended up being mass chaos and nothing that I planned. My dad flew in from Pennsylvania as a birthday surprise and we had a awesome time running around and exploring parts of the city that even I hadn’t gotten to yet. I missed out on some Halloween fun-ness, but it was totally worth it. Hope you had a amazing weekend, too!


Happy {Halloween} Weekend.

Hoorah! Halloween weekend is finally here (I feel like I’ve been waiting for ages…) and it’s going to be a busy one. Tonight is Greedy Girl’s costume party, then tomorrow is college football, a bake sale and trick or treating! Will you be swinging by any parties or dressing up?

+ You only have until tomorrow left to enter the 2010 Calendar Swap, so hurry up already!
+ Our calendar giveaways are about to finish up, but you have until Monday to enter the Lizard Press calendar giveaway!
+ And the Aster + Sage giveaway ends Monday morning at 9:00 CST, enter to win a sweet pouch plus one to give away!

Great posts this week…
• a great roundup of sweet Halloween printables and paper crafts (I love the owl bag topper!) :: paper crave
• fantastic + amazing Halloween mix to play in your cube or at your party :: Kitsune Noir
• beautifully intricate project to download + make your very own I Spied October game :: A Field Journal
• really pretty pink + grey wedding! :: Wiley Valentine
• scary, tasty brain cake :: Neatorama
• classy holiday dinner party invites to download for your next fall get-together :: Love. Obsess. Inspire.
• Pumpkin Week :: Sweet Paul
• brilliantly designed Creature Survival Kit invitations :: A Brooklyn Limestone
• almost time to start gearing up for the holidays! check out 35 delicious treats to make + give :: Meet Me at Mikes

Happy Halloween Weekend!