Word: The Bedlam of Beefy.

This week’s Word is brought to you courtesy of Uncle Beefy of The Bedlam of Beefy. Read on friends, I swear it’s like a novel excerpt…

Go get it. Go, go, go. Get, get, get. It was the long-running theme of her life. She always seemed to be the one to “get it”… but never actually got it. The getting was invariably for someone else. Friends, family, even complete strangers had all reaped the rewards of her attention and servitude but the swell of pride she’d take with her for her selflessness was often shallow and short-lived.

All her life she silently watched from the sidelines trying to calculate the formula that would see her rise up and meet her glory. The right shoes, the right hair, the right attitude, the right voice: it was all negotiated until she had no voice left. At least not her own. But others’ invasive whispers would menacingly creep through her company. Sometimes at night, in the quiet of her own head space, her voice just might bubble through the cacophony of external clamor. But even then it usually ended in a battle between self-deprecation and self-esteem which rarely stood a chance in the first place.

So much baggage and the excess weight fees were seriously steep to her emotional bank account. And her back was killing her. What was she pulling around all this time? Sifting through the sordid unmentionables of her life, she realized that all the things she thought she had needed to define herself and her worth just wound up being someone else’s shit. There was just no hanging on to it anymore. The universe is one bitch of a gate agent and had finally told her that, unless she wanted to pay the penalty, it was time to lighten the load.

“Go get it”, she finally thought. And now she got it alright. A one-way First Class ticket that would take her straight into who she was always meant to be. Straight up or on the rocks, this time the getting would be good.


Picture It.

Dang, this cold/congestion/achy thing that makes me sound like a commercial for Nyquil will not high tail it outta here! This is all I want to do. Preferably with loads of blankets, some soup and lots of mindless television.


Win It: MusicCooks.

I love, love, love the concept behind Sharon O’Connor’s MusicCooks – 15 themed collections of recipes with an accompanying CD of music to listen to while you’re cooking that matches the mood of the food! The recipe cards are sturdy and easy to clean, while the music features Grammy-award winning musicians and Sharon herself among other artists.

Thanks to Sharon and her lovely daughter, Claire, I have two collections to give away this week – Coffee Treats and Chocolate Bliss! Coffee Treats features muffins, scones and quick breads to enhance your coffee time and Brandenburg Concertos to tickle your eardrums. Ant then there is Chocolate Bliss which is just that, a chocolate lover’s dream come true! Seductive Bossa Nova music is paired with it to put you in the mood for romance.

As a little sneak peak of the sheer deliciousness that each collection holds, here’s a recipe from each for you to whip up and enjoy! For you coffee-time lovers, Buttermilk Currant Scones with Strawberry Preserves and for the chocoholics, Chocolate Silk Pie.

To Enter:
1. If you were to create a cookbook, what recipe that you make would have to be included as the star?
2. Leave your email address so that I can contact you should you win (those who do not will be disqualified)
3. Do it all before Tuesday, October 13th at 9am CST

Two winners will be randomly selected shortly after the giveaway closes. Best of luck!


Win It: PaPaYa Winner.

Congratulations Stephanie!

When I was a kid I wanted to be everything from a flight attendant to a high school art teacher. Around 16 I fell in love with graphic design and I’m happy to say that I get to live my dream every day! Thanks so much for sharing your childhood dreams and aspirations and entering the giveaway. Also, a big thanks to PaPaYa and Sabrina Ward Harrison for giving away this pretty giclee print!


Monday Goodness: Bonjour.

This weekend I managed to:
• sleep a lot to try and fool this cold-thing into going away
• go to a friends to eat copious amounts of dip and watch the pitiful OU/Miami game
• run a bajillion errands Sunday afternoon
• get a little bit of random unplanned Xmas shopping done
• eat Sunday dinner at my parents’