Happy Weekend.

It’s been nothing but a lot of rain this week, with more to come throughout the weekend. I normally have no problem with downpours, but two things are ticking me off. Thing #1. My gutters need replaced. Which is due to happen as soon as these storms let up for a few days. But at the moment 75% of my house is gutter-less, making 75% of my lawn swamp-like at best. And Thing #2. I haven’t had a chance to do any spring landscaping. Including the normal weeding/fertilizing thing. Which means my yard is starting to resemble something straight out of the rain forest.

This Weekend:
• have a few friends over Saturday for a Derby party
• try out new pub with C Saturday night
• organize recipes in newly purchased binders
• find something to put inside this large recycled glass vase
• plan Mother’s Day luncheon menu

Note: Just a reminder to enter the YellowGoat giveaway to win a pair of lovely Vinea and Folium earrings! You have until Monday at noon CST.

Happy Weekend!

:: photo via ffffound


3 to See.

I’ve been following all three of this week’s blogs for some time. You should definitely have look-see!


It’s Derby Time.

The 135th Kentucky Derby is tomorrow and I’ve put together a few links that are must-sees for anyone and everyone. Whether you’re throwing a derby party or it’s just you and a few friends, here are few link and ideas for Derby Day!

• the history and traditions of the Kentucky Derby (link)
• Derby style (link)
• the Mint Julep two ways from Joy the Baker
• recipes and libations from Chef Bobby Flay (link)
• pre-Derby party games to get in the spirit (link)
• the official Derby playlist (link)
• racing information (link)
• online betting (link)


Max Wanger.

Everyone is crushing on Max Wanger. And with very good reason – his engagement and wedding photography is stellar. As in super galactic stellar. As in I’d rather spend $100 on my non-existent wedding and a million on a photo shoot with him. Yeah, that kind of great.


Mad Props: April.