And the Winner is: The Left Handed Calligrapher.

Congratulations to Lizzie.Civ from the daily crouton! The Random Number Generator chose your comment as the winner of Win It: The Left Handed Calligrapher. Her comment read:Please email me at and I’ll have you info passed on to Nicole and you two can take it from there. And speaking of Nicole, thank you so very much for collaborating on this contest and offering up an absolutely ah-maz-ing giveaway!


The Daily Eat: Pineapple Pie.

I thought everyone could probably use a warm weather ingredient for The Daily Eat this week, and nothing says it quite like pineapple. Without further ado, enjoy Pineapple Week!

Another moment of TMI: I’m not a meringue lover. I must have some sort of egg white allergy because it makes my tongue itch like no other! I’m fairly certain that I’d suffer through just this once to enjoy a big slice of Pineapple Pie with brown sugar meringue sitting atop it. Well, as long as whoever was with me didn’t mind me scratching my tongue on my teeth for the next hour or so…

:: recipe and photo via


Happy {Easter} Weekend.

Hello weekend! It’s so nice to see you again.

This Weekend:
• dye eggs with my mom
• work on painting my china cabinet
• celebrate Easter at my mom + stepdad’s
• bake this for Easter dessert
• finish reading Eclipse
• visit with L

Happy Weekend!
Happy Easter!

** Don’t forget to enter the contest to win some of The Left Handed Calligrapher‘s amazing work! (You have until Monday at noon CST.) Stop by her blog – A Flick of the Pen – for additional inspiration!

:: image via ffffound


Go or Send Jewelry.

When I was about 10 my great aunt gave me a spoon ring for Christmas and I thought it was just about the coolest thing ever. They’re not all that uncommon, but what about fork bracelets?

Carl, a second generation silver jewelry maker is the craftsman behind Go or Send Jewelry. His shop is full of pendants, bracelets and rings that any spoon or fork would be proud to be bent into.


3 to See.

All three of this week’s blogs are relatively new finds to me. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have!


The Daily Eat: Japanese Pizza.

Japanese pizza. Two words I’ve never once used in the same sentence until now. Also known as “okonomiyaki,” it’s a street food that ends up somewhere between a pizza and a frittata. Any topping is a go – this version showcases cabbage, toasted almonds and fresh chives.

:: recipe and photo via 101 Cookbooks