The weather has been beautiful (sorry NYC!) which makes the weekend’s arrival that much better. All week I’ve been absolutely loving zipping around town in my new car with the windows down and stereo blasting. Yeah, it’s been that kind of fantastic.
This Weekend:
• changing car insurance information with my agent
• paying bills (BOO!)
• making Straw and Hay Pasta
• painting my china cabinet glossy black
• driving to Tulsa to see K, D + O!
Happy Weekend!
:: photo via housemartin
Posted In happy weekendI’m excited to go the way of decor8, Darling Dexter and mint (just to name a few) who post a weekly shout out to a few blogs that rock their worlds. From now on, every Friday I’ll be posting 3 to See. Hopefully we’ll all meet some new blog friends and maybe even be reintroduced to some old ones. And best of all have even more inspiration and eye candy to feast upon!
Not sure I’d put the Everything Holder in my shower because I’m extra weird about shower gunk and nastiness. But I’d love to have a few in the kitchen to catch utensils and tools that I use a lot. The tiles are available in black, white and red and attach with a few pieces of double-sided adhesive.
:: via Better Living Through Design
Straw and Hay Pasta looks like the perfect dish for the first weekend of spring. Plenty of veggies, but plenty of cards to be comfort food! This take on the recipe replaces the prosciutto normally called for with sliced mushrooms.
:: recipe and photo via What Did You Eat?
Posted In recipesThis is all kinds of awesome – a free downloadable web sketchbook! I posted about one a few months ago that a company did as a holiday gift and you all went crazy. Well, here’s the answer – download and print away, my pretties!
Posted In downloads, notebooks + journalsYou’re finally here! I’ve been waiting. Now if only you could hang around until fall shows up and we can skip summer altogether that would be grrrrreat. Thanks.
:: image via ffffound
Posted In holidaysLoving this tee that I saw on Perfectbound earlier today from Cubist Literature.
The French: Moi, je veux te dire que je ne te quitterai jamais. Et puis, si tu es triste, je pourrais toujours te donner un peu d’alcool pour te rechauffer le couer. xo Basically this means that “I’ll be there for you always. And I’ll get you drunk when you’re sad.”
How can you not love that??
Posted In wear it