Win It: Courtney Khail Stationery and Design.

The uber-talented and sweet Courtney Khail emailed me last week to share her line of stationery and invitations and I fell. Hard. I was even more thrilled when she agreed to do a giveaway of the stationery set of your choice!

Courtney Khail Stationery and Design was born when Courtney herself was attempting to choose invitations for her own wedding. Needless to say, nothing sufficed and she took matters into her own hands! Each 100% cotton card combines hand drawn illustrations, printmaking, and watercolor to produce an individual hand painted work of art where no two are exactly the same. I absolutely love that.

So here are the deets. Visit Courtney Khail Stationery and Design, then comment back here with which stationery set you’d like to win and why. The contest will close next Monday, March 30th at noon CST. (This contest is only open to those living in the U.S.) A winner will be chosen randomly once the contest closes. Good luck!



Happy {Spring} Weekend.

The weather has been beautiful (sorry NYC!) which makes the weekend’s arrival that much better. All week I’ve been absolutely loving zipping around town in my new car with the windows down and stereo blasting. Yeah, it’s been that kind of fantastic.

This Weekend:
• changing car insurance information with my agent
• paying bills (BOO!)
• making Straw and Hay Pasta
• painting my china cabinet glossy black
• driving to Tulsa to see K, D + O!

Happy Weekend!

:: photo via housemartin


New Weekly Feature: 3 to See.

I’m excited to go the way of decor8, Darling Dexter and mint (just to name a few) who post a weekly shout out to a few blogs that rock their worlds. From now on, every Friday I’ll be posting 3 to See. Hopefully we’ll all meet some new blog friends and maybe even be reintroduced to some old ones. And best of all have even more inspiration and eye candy to feast upon!


Happy Spring.

You’re finally here! I’ve been waiting. Now if only you could hang around until fall shows up and we can skip summer altogether that would be grrrrreat. Thanks.

:: image via ffffound