June 30, 2008
Ferry Staverman.
Ferry Staverman creates incredible art from cardboard, paper and string. That’s it. No bells and whistles, just talent. Her pieces look like they walked out of a grocery store or toy shop and I love that. These pieces are only a small portion of her work, so make sure and check out her site for more goodies.
:: via Design Milk
karey m.
July 1, 2008 at 6:41 amwhat. is. that.
cardboard, paper, and string?
man. she’s genius.
{as are your picks this week and last! thought of you yesterday when i found these bff necklaces. there’s print on ’em!}
July 1, 2008 at 2:12 pmkarey –
LOVED those necklace! i’m going to have to post about them. and soon.