The Daily Eat: Baked Pear + Cinnamon Doughnuts.

I wish doughnuts were healthy for you. Like as in chicken salad with light vinaigrette healthy, because I’m fairly certain I could live off them. At least these Baked Pear and Cinnamon Doughnuts are just that, baked, making me feel only a teeny-tiny bit bad about wanting to make a big batch and eat them all myself.

  • 2 By Design

    October 5, 2009 at 5:22 pm Reply

    Oh my, I'm drooling! How delicious, and perfect for fall.

  • Annabelle

    October 5, 2009 at 7:13 pm Reply

    Ohhhh yummm… would like a second dessert now 🙂 Delicious food porn!

  • Tom

    October 5, 2009 at 8:51 pm Reply

    ZOOBAMOOFOO that looks good! But heck, once I hit the big 4-0 I gave up doughnuts and sausage. There are just somethings you shouldn't eat at an advanced age

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