Anna Carey / In Search of Rainbows
At first look you might assume that these images by Australian artist Anna Carey were different rooms in an installation or maybe just a monochromatic house remodel, but you would be wrong because her work overlaps photography, model-making, film, and drawing. This spectrum study – In Search of Rainbows – feels especially appropriate following Pride, seven rooms recreated in miniature from rooms Carey found from properties on Google maps.
Through memory and imagination, she creates fictive architectural spaces based on familiar iconic architecture which she photographs. The camera lens magnifies the model with all its imperfections and reminds the viewer that the photograph has been constructed with a miniature materialized object. This aims to reawaken imaginations for the viewer by creating a space of stillness and reflection for one to drift between reality and daydreams – for rediscovering the universe that is inside ourselves.
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