Win It: Design For Mankind.
I couldn’t have more love for Erin of Design for Mankind if I tried, so I’m thrilled to announce Win It: Design for Mankind!
dfm’s Inspiration e-zines have taken the design blog community by storm and spawned a much coveted poster in the process. (Check out Issues 1, 2 and 3 here if you’ve missed them!) Thanks to Erin’s generosity, one lucky Design Crush reader will be the proud owner of one of her awesome posters!
The rules are simple. Playing off the idea of inspiration, comment to this post telling me what in everyday life is your biggest inspiration. I’ll choose my favorite answer. You have until Friday, April 25th, 2008 at 12:00 p.m. CST to enter. Make sure to check back at the end of the week to see if you’re the lucky entry. Good Luck!
April 21, 2008 at 5:04 pmMy inspiration is people’s spaces. Seeing where & how people live their day to day life.
April 21, 2008 at 5:36 pmEvery morning I walk a few blocks to my neighbourhood coffee shop for a latte. I always have my little point-n-shoot digicam with me, and no matter what the weather, I try to capture things of interest. Textures. Colours. Shapes. When I get home, I download everything (usually about 10-15 pics) and almost without exception there is something there that will spark a design idea.
April 21, 2008 at 5:42 pmI am inspired everyday by the strength of my mother and what a wonderful woman she was. I strive to be just like her and if I turn out to be half the woman she was I will be doing just fine! I hope that everyone has someone in their life that inspires them as much as she did me.
April 21, 2008 at 5:53 pmi am inspired everyday by my morning blog reading ritual. i love to sit in a room all by myself and read up on what everyone is thinking about and working on. it’s also a great way to stay in touch with my long distance friends, which i love.
yours is one that really gets my juices flowing (am i sucking up too much?).
April 21, 2008 at 5:54 pmi’m inspired by all the blogs i read every morning. they are all different ranging from the latest fashion to photography to cooking to travel plus the photos everyone includes- how could you not be inspired?
April 21, 2008 at 6:12 pmtotally inspired by strangers passing by and nature. i could sit somewhere and people watch for hours and somehow seeing how they interact, what they wear, and what they are doing really inspires me. oh, and for sure my daily blogs inspire me LOTS!
April 21, 2008 at 6:24 pmI don’t know if this counts as an inspiration, but boredom really inspires me. When I’m sitting in class or listening to a boring speech, my mind just wanders and creates little snippets of scenes and stories. It’s as if my mind is trying to concoct ways to overcome the boredom. I guess boredom is more of a motivation in this sense.
Also, I’m super inspired by other people’s stories. I ADORE hearing about the different paths that people take to get where they are. I especially like heaing stories that aren’t linear; twists and turns in life stories reassure me that not knowing right now exactly what I want to do for the rest of my life is all right.
cindy k
April 21, 2008 at 6:27 pmmaybe i’m getting old, but just waking up each day inspires me.
April 21, 2008 at 6:31 pmHow sweet of you to offer this giveaway!
I am inspired daily just by walking out of the door. My walk to and from work to the train I see a lot of visual stimuli just walking down the streets of midtown Manhattan. From the people you pass to the store front windows. Spring time is especially inspiring because that’s when all the bright bold colors come out which are my favorite colors to work with. 😉
d & k Buckmaster
April 21, 2008 at 6:36 pmMy husband is my biggest inspiration by far. He wakes up hours before I do, drives to the next city for work, does an amazing job, is loved by his bosses, and comes home every day without complaint. He does all of this while I stay at our apartment, on the computer most of the day, starting up my photography business. Without his daily dedication and sacrifice, I wouldn’t be able to do what I love. It’s more than enough to keep me going and let my creativity go. He’s the best.
d & k Buckmaster
April 21, 2008 at 6:36 pmMy husband is my biggest inspiration by far. He wakes up hours before I do, drives to the next city for work, does an amazing job, is loved by his bosses, and comes home every day without complaint. He does all of this while I stay at our apartment, on the computer most of the day, starting up my photography business. Without his daily dedication and sacrifice, I wouldn’t be able to do what I love. It’s more than enough to keep me going and let my creativity go. He’s the best.
d & k Buckmaster
April 21, 2008 at 6:36 pmMy husband is my biggest inspiration by far. He wakes up hours before I do, drives to the next city for work, does an amazing job, is loved by his bosses, and comes home every day without complaint. He does all of this while I stay at our apartment, on the computer most of the day, starting up my photography business. Without his daily dedication and sacrifice, I wouldn’t be able to do what I love. It’s more than enough to keep me going and let my creativity go. He’s the best.
d & k Buckmaster
April 21, 2008 at 6:36 pmMy husband is my biggest inspiration by far. He wakes up hours before I do, drives to the next city for work, does an amazing job, is loved by his bosses, and comes home every day without complaint. He does all of this while I stay at our apartment, on the computer most of the day, starting up my photography business. Without his daily dedication and sacrifice, I wouldn’t be able to do what I love. It’s more than enough to keep me going and let my creativity go. He’s the best.
April 21, 2008 at 6:50 pmMy husband and my best friend are my greatest inspirations. While neither of them are visual artists, their passions inspire mine. My best friend’s incredibly diverse passions for ballet, astronomy and flute remind me daily that I can do anything I want to, plus give me great subjects. My husband is always there for me, telling me he loves my work even when I’m feeling down and like I don’t want to do anything. Between the two of them, it’s easy to keep my belief in myself!
April 21, 2008 at 6:55 pmMy biggest inspiration would have to be my parents. Even though they seperated when I was 5 they have the most beautiful relationship and my world is filled with love.
Its great to know that even though 2 people aren’t necessarily in love with eachother, it doesn’t mean that they can’t love one another. Its a blessing to experience that and one day I hope I will inspire my kids. Love you mom and dad!
April 21, 2008 at 6:57 pmI am inspired by the following: my kids, old signs & labels, blogs, my town, books, nature, light, shadow, collage, TV, film, strangers, t-shirts, birds of prey, newspaper, hello kitty, good night moon, go dog go, and SO many more things that would not even fit in this box.
April 21, 2008 at 6:58 pmWords are always my greatest inspiration. Sometimes it’s their meaning: an amazing quote, a poem, a passage from a book. Sometimes it’s the way they sound: the word “Mommy” coming from my kids, the intrigue of a foreign accent, a word new to my vocabulary. Other times it’s the typography: The way text is used to sell a product, enhance a magazine, or even *be* decor. I’m a word junkie!!
jessica pages
April 21, 2008 at 7:15 pmInspirations come to me in every direction. Sometimes i see it right away, and other times it takes me awhile to really notice it. Nature walks can be so inspiring. Other artists and their blogs the way they see and experience their world, inspire me to no end. I think everything you experience from swimming in the sea to doing your laundry can affect how you see things
April 21, 2008 at 8:46 pmI’m a designer living in Cleveland, Ohio, which isn’t an epicenter of arts and culture like NY or SF. I’m inspired by the clean horizon of Lake Erie, which I live and work near. Everyday, I wake up, go through my morning routine and drive or bike past the shore of the lake. As I look out at it, it reminds me that everyday is a new day, full of new possibilities and challenges. It’s so even, stable and clean, and you remember that no matter what stumbling blocks you came across yesterday, each day gives you a new chance to work through them, fresh and clean, with new ideas, thoughts and solutions, for yourself and your community. No matter what kind of weather or day you have, the water is there, bringing new ideas to the surface and constantly pushing old obstacles away. It’s really refreshing to take few moments and look at it, no matter what time of day, and restore your mind. I always feel so lucky that I have such a deep source of inspiration nearby.
April 21, 2008 at 9:34 pmmy daily inspiration comes from color!
whether it be a sunny sliver on the wall, or a gray sky, or just waking up in a heap of white sheets, color just drives me.
it inspires the clothes i wear, the work i do and even my plans for the day.
jenni has her head in the clouds
April 21, 2008 at 9:53 pmHonestly my own jealousy is my inspiration.
I read many blogs, magazines and see all these awesome things being created. I’m jealous of these people that accomplished such great wonderful things.
It’s not the type of jealousy that is hurtful. My jealously feeds my motivation to get off my butt and do something inspirational for myself.
April 21, 2008 at 10:55 pmYes!!! I really want to win this and the grape one is my favorite!
April 21, 2008 at 10:58 pmI forgot to put my inspiration! My son inspires me. His goofy laugh and amazing imagination get my creative juices flowing. Oh and don’t get me started on his bedhead!
Penelope Boyd
April 22, 2008 at 2:31 amI don’t know exactly what inspires me. There is no one thing, or even a selection of things or places or people. I think on some level everything I encounter, in some way or another, gets stored away in a box inside my head, to be brought out later when my mind decides it needs it.
Cory Ann
April 22, 2008 at 3:29 amMy inspiration comes from desire and fear. I have a desire to succeed and a fear of failure. Being mediocre is not an option, I am driven to do the best I can, to push myself and fulfill my potential.
I do not partake in many different things, but the things I do partake in I throw myself into and do everything I can to be the best I can be at that. I do not want to be a failure, failure in one area will surely flow over into another and I want to stop the cycle of my youth.
mom, wife, friend, photographer, business owner
Cory Ann Ellis
freshie (and zero)
April 22, 2008 at 5:04 amSince I’m trying to slowly (verrrry slowly) embrace the idea of motherhood that I may embark upon in a couple of years, I am really inspired by moms who seem to do it all. Especially crafty/creative moms – they juggle their creative careers and their children and really inspire me & show me that I, too, could possibly have it all. Especially Lindsay Ferrier, a writer who has a hilarious blog called Suburban Turmoil, plus many of the members of Mamamade including Los Pollitos Dicen and Baby Bear Shop. These women rock!
April 22, 2008 at 7:26 amMy biggest source of inspiration is to watch the view outside my window. Because I live very high up in an apartment, I can see rather far away and to be able to see twinkling lights during twilight and patches of rain in the distance on cloudy days really fuels the ideas in my head. And of course, let’s not forget the sunrise and sunsets everyday. The colours are simply nature’s artform.
April 22, 2008 at 1:27 pmi am inspired by the very thoughts of:
i keep these thoughts in the front of my brain.
they have been there for a long time now + are thoroughly entrenched into my being.
my nature.
i do not want to stagnate or muddle my way through life. i want to really live it.
i do not intend to tread water.
while i get inspiration through what i see/read/hear/smell/taste/dream,
my real inspiration comes from within me.
April 22, 2008 at 1:36 pmI am inspired by turning seasons, a quirky turn of phrase, good design, interesting art, overheard conversation, and my daughter’s march through life
April 22, 2008 at 2:32 pmWhat inspires me the most is life itself and the prospect of something new being created and waiting to be discovered
Emily Abigail
April 22, 2008 at 5:17 pmI am incredibly inspired by others; the amazing people in my life & the strangers that I brush shoulders with on the streets.
There is such an amazing variety of people that I come into contact with on a daily basis. That is why I love living in a busy city. People & their ability to flourish, regardless of their circumstances, is incredibly inspiring to me. It gives me hope in a way that is difficult to explain.
April 22, 2008 at 6:24 pmLife is my inspiration. By life I mean being able to act as a camera with endless zoom capabilities where you can enjoy the big picture as well as the small details. It’s important to be able to appreciate the macro and the micro but it’s up to us to feed on what moves us. Be it a falling leaf, a peeling wave, something that angers you, something that arouses you, something that makes your throat well up in beautiful pain, something that makes you dream or the dream essence itself, there’s so much to get inspired from if we only take the time to notice, appreciate, smile and record.
April 22, 2008 at 8:00 pmI am inspired by people who have abandoned the notion that security will save them. People who seek out experiences and perspectives in order to learn, grow, try, fail, succeed and try again. I am inspired by people who do so with an open and kind heart again and again, no matter the weather.
April 22, 2008 at 9:54 pmI am inspired just be living, and breathing. Everything and everyone inspires me. I know it sounds like it something someone would just say and not really mean. But truthfully I mean it. Art inspires me, people inspire me, dance,music everything.
HC Design
April 22, 2008 at 11:55 pmI am inspired by taking a breath of fresh air. Nothing beats a woof of crisp, clean air to start my colorful day with my 2 year old daughter, who inspires me as well. I am a work-at-home-designer-mom, so all it takes is that one fresh breath of air (and a cup of joe) to get my busy day started…
Plus Size Diva
April 23, 2008 at 12:15 amwhat inspires me?
just waking up and knowing that i have another day to do it differently or better or just the same as i did yesterday or the day before.
just feeling that with every breath there is an opportunity to get it right inspires everything in me..
April 23, 2008 at 2:45 amOh, this is so cool…to see what imspires other people.
For me, it’s my ride on the subway every day. I love to people watch, check out the fashions, and imagine what their lives are like.
Summer (designismine)
April 23, 2008 at 4:09 amI am inspired by all the little beautiful things that people tend to look past on a daily basis. The smell of brewing coffee floating through the morning from the local bakery. The way a city looks right when it’s waking up. The small kind gestures from strangers, the colors of macarons in patisserie windows, how good fresh bread is, the way a bed looks when the sun is shining in on messy blankets, and just how fabulous an afternoon nap can feel. These are the things that keep me going every single day.
April 23, 2008 at 5:20 amBirdsong morning melodies
fly in through the open window.
Wake me gently to more reveries.
There is the garden full of pine trees.
There are the cobwebs in the sun.
There are the flowers showing off their colours.
There is the smooth wind that touches my face
There is the idea of just being which transfers itself to my art and craft all by itself.
Take good care!
Joanne Elizabeth Stocker
naturstadtfrau (at) tracee (dot) de
(I don’t have any IDs anywhere excuse the anonymous!)
janine de waal
April 23, 2008 at 6:43 amInternet (well actually blogs)
South african design
Photographs (old B&W family ones)
Rain in the desert
Anything beautiful
Tears (of joy & laughter)
Occasions (celebratory ones)
Notebooks of creative people
Lesley Denford
April 23, 2008 at 4:11 pmMy inspiration is in the little things…
* a vintage photograph
* spilled paint
* colourful tattoos
* blank pages
* a smile from a loved one
* touching song lyrics
* glossy art magzines
* bright sunshine breaking through the trees
* kind words
There’s so much to be inspired by, if you look at the details in everyday life.
April 23, 2008 at 11:30 pmStories are my inspiration in my everyday life. I’m not a designer or an artist; I love the arts, I love color and I love fashion, but I’m not a talented artist by any means. Instead, I followed my strengths and my passion – I work in global health issues and am inspired by reading the stories of the women in Africa I’m working to help. I begin everyday by reading or listening to the words of these powerful and strong women, and they inspire me to work hard and appreciate all of the beauty I have in my life.
April 24, 2008 at 4:24 pmmy inspiration comes from my dreams, I am a student at RISD and having to come up with many ideas a week, i will often wake up in the middle of the night and have that “Ah ha!” moment, i will scribble some random things down on a sketch pad and hopefully the next morning know what i meant to remind myself of, not always sucssesfully. i also get inspiration from the mundane, the old and forgotten, or the beautiful and amazing things, I keep my eyes and ears open and often end up tripping on my feet because I am usually looking five steps ahead. I find the streets more inspiring than museums.
April 24, 2008 at 7:12 pmI’m pretty much inspired by anything that catches my eye and makes me think about it – my daily blog reads, people watching and photography are pretty much my sources 😉
April 24, 2008 at 9:16 pmI’m inspired by people who post DIY stuff. I’ll read about how they built an entire house with nothing but marshmallows, daisies, and cork board and I’ll jump up from my computer all revved to try it. Other people’s projects always get me started on my own.
April 24, 2008 at 11:20 pmI’m inspired by my wallpaper, as silly as it sounds. I’ve set my wallpaper apps to rotate daily so I always get a nice surprise when I turn on my laptops. On my main laptop I use DeskLickr, which I’ve set to pull the “most interesting” and people’s personal favorite photos from Flickr’s Cream of the Crop pool. And when I need to use Windows on my other laptop, I get to see gorgeous designs by talented designers who contribute to Desktoptopia. Right now I have a lovely array of blues on one screen and some Viennese swans floating on the other…inspiration at its best!
April 25, 2008 at 9:42 amI’m inspired by inspiration itself. Just when I think that a picture, a statement, an object or a moment has filled me to the brim with inspiration, and there cannot possibly be a more inspiring feeling than this.. *BAM*.. I get hit by this overwhelming feeling of happiness and glee at being inspired by something.. And the cycle continues again..