Cake Stands.
I don’t own a cake stand. And I think it’s because I’m just waiting for the perfect one to come along. (Hmmm…. might also explain why I’m single at the moment…) Check out these beauties over at CHOW.
I don’t own a cake stand. And I think it’s because I’m just waiting for the perfect one to come along. (Hmmm…. might also explain why I’m single at the moment…) Check out these beauties over at CHOW.
Although I imagine after a few months it would get a little old…
:: via Neatorama
Posted In monday goodnessI don’t know what’s up with this summer. It always seems like in the past things have gotten lazier, slower and more laid back. Not this year. Almost the opposite has happened: work is busier and life feels, well, faster. And I honestly don’t like it one bit! Does that mean that once summer is over and done with things are going to speed up even more and I’m going to have even less Me Time?
This Weekend:
• the Olympics, which could go unsaid but won’t!
• put together garage shelving
• finish organizing office/studio
• relinquish all holiday decor to aforementioned garage shelving
• grocery shopping
• get rid of final cardboard boxes
Happy 08.08.08!
Happy Weekend!
:: photo via ffffound
Posted In happy weekendI’ve never attempted homemade shortcakes before, but this recipe for Peach and Blackberry Shortcakes makes it look remarkably simple and delicious.
:: photo and recipe via culinaria kitchen
Posted In recipesI couldn’t be any more excited about the Olympics if I tried. (Actually, I don’t even have to try.) The next few weeks of my life will revolve around watching television and, dammit, I’m not ashamed to admit it!
These stemless wine glasses are handmade in Colombia of recycled glass from old car windows. Sturdy and strong, the thick glass has a slight green hue from the tint originally added to lessen the sun’s glare. Also available in beer glasses and a large multi-purpose bowl. Very, very cool.
Glassine envelopes. Maps. Stamps. Tickets.
This destination wedding suite is stunning.
Sometimes the best way to prepare any main ingredient is to go the simple route. Bare bones with just a little something extra. Like these grilled peaches with bourbon vanilla whipped cream perhaps.
:: via the Kitchn
Posted In recipesI want a Bistro Table. And I want to set it in my entry way as a mini bar! (I don’t care whether it’s the double top or the rolling either.) How swell would it be to have a guest show up at your home, walk in the door and you offer them a cocktail? Super swell I’m thinking.
:: via Design Boner
Posted In furniture, house and homeI was only recently introduced to Lee Jenkins and his beautiful photography. What took hold of me most is how seamlessly he seems to transition between portraits, fashion and advertising. It seems he can’t miss the target. Second I noticed how effortless and gorgeous he makes all of his “stunt” photography appear. Check it out for yourself.
:: via Black*Eiffel