The Daily Eat: Pumpkin Brioche Cinnamon Rolls + Pumpkin Roundup #1.
I love pumpkin-centric recipes just about more than any others, so I thought I’d continue on like last week and add a little mini-roundup to each day’s The Daily Eat. It helps me get rid of some of my stashed recipe links and maybe (just maybe) it will give you some new bookmarks of your own!
I’ve never made my own cinnamon rolls before, but I’m liking the looks of these Pumpkin Brioche Cinnamon Rolls. I think experimentation time is drawing near… maybe for Thanksgiving breakfast?

3. Chocolate Glazed Pumpkin Cookies 4. Crustless Pumpkin Pie
5. No-Bake Chocolate Pumpkin Pie
6. Pumpkin and Gingerbread Ice Cream Sandwiches
All recipes and photos via/copyright their respective blog sources.