July 29, 2010
Mini Designer Chairs.
There’s a good chance hell will freeze over before I own more than the hope of a designer chair. But I can clearly see these mini designer chairs lined up on a few shelves in my office. I probably need them. Yeah, I do.
Claire Gibson King
July 29, 2010 at 2:11 pmohh such a fan I am of these chairs…all of them. I remember having to make/build the Rietveld Red and Blue chair in design school.I would be a happy happy girl if I had a the real thing of anyone of them in my living room!
July 29, 2010 at 6:04 pmJust saw them yesterday at kidrobbot. LOVE THEM!
Tara At The Sideshow
August 5, 2010 at 1:49 pmOoh. I have one of those. The squatty fat square black one. I think my brother got it for me from Christmas (I need to dig it out of some drawer). Thanks for reminding me it's cool.