I want five of these, and I want them now. These ceramic aqua-hued vases would look perfect all lined up in a row across my white mantle, packed with stems or not. {thanks Black*Eiffel}
The Swing Necklace is quite literally jewelry for your home. This handmade piece, designed by Johanna Richter, is available in either gray balls of felt or oiled Beechwood. And oh yes, it’s an actual swing. {thanks Two Brunettes}
Lately I’ve been noticing a trend in the design of play spaces. Namely that not all of them are horrendously designed. Some even seem as though they might mesh with the design of your own home, instead of standing in the corner like a large plastic monolith.
First up, Brinca Dada’s Emerson House. The modern dollhouse has tons of features including mitered-glass corners, two fireplaces, sliding glass doors, solar panels, and recessed LED lights. It’s also constructed using only non-toxic and lead-free wood stains and paints. A lesson in design appreciation paired with environmental responsibility. Who couldn’t get behind that?
Next are Modern Playhouse’s Wedge House and Circle House. Designed by Gitane Royce and Nisreen Witt using no flimsy parts or garish colors. Just a sustainable playhouse made from locally-sourced and recycled materials and a blank palette for the imagination.
Lastly, this pop-up playhouse called My Space designed by Liya Mairson. Perfect for small spaces with little square footage or storage, this bad boy actually folds up flat.
PS: Also check out Dave Keune’s Nina’s House – crib, playpen, storage, drawers, and changing table. An all-in-one piece with a sleek white modern look.
Posted In grand design, kids, trendsAfter you flipped over last week’s popsicle post, I thought I’d make that sort of collection a recurring feature here. These posts will be random and pop up here and there when I notice a particular food trend making the rounds, or maybe it might be something seasonal.
Today it’s ice cream.
But not just any ice cream. Flavors that make you want to sell your soul and call off work to stay home with a spoon. Chocolate and vanilla have their time and place, but this isn’t it. So dig in. {Click on the photo to go to the recipe.}
Posted In recipes, round upWhen it comes down to it I will always be a simple girl at heart. These photographs from Romina Bacci’s shop Miles of Light speak to that side of me perfectly. {thanks Creature Comforts}
Posted In create, photographyYesterday I took what can only be described as the World’s Sweatiest Nap. My air conditioner (more specifically the freon in it) and I have been at odds all summer, and yesterday required yet another visit from the repairman. After he told me what the latest problem was (frozen lines) I laid down for a little shuteye. It was downright cool by this summer’s standards, but an hour later I awoke drowning in my own sweat. So gross.
I love a good nap, so much so that I consider it a hobby. One I’m damn good at. And once the weather cools a bit more I’d love to cozy up with the Nap Bag. It’s versatile: nap in it, picnic on it, or use it as a throw. {thanks bltd}
Posted In accessories, house and home