Matt W Moore / SHADOVVS

Matt W Moore-1-Design Crush


During some time spent in Oakland, CA, Matt W Moore constructed a new body of work fusing his bold, graphic vocabulary with extruded mosaic forms. Light plays an important role in activating the series according to its angle, creating depth through shadows. More on SHADOVVS:

The exhibition is comprised of 5 chapters, each with its own concept and aesthetic. A series of greyscale cut-paper mosaics created in Montreal in Fall 2014 is displayed as evidence of the explorations that led to the layered sensibilities of the more elaborate colorful works created during this Bay Area residency. A series of 4 pure symmetry colorful compositions reminiscent of sacred geometry grids, timeless diamond cuts, and architectural monuments hangs as a family on one side of the space. Opposite this wall is a series of 12 square works that bring Moore’s signature graphic syntax into three dimensions, playing with the eye when viewed from different vantage points. One extra large modular construct composed of 5 pieces that hang synchronized is displayed void of color to allow the viewer to explore the subtle nuances of light and shadow without the distraction of color… On the back two walls… Moore has constructed a large mosaic dimensional mural comprised of the same forms used in the rest of the series. This in-situ installation has been left to chance and intuition, with Moore opting to freestyle the build spontaneously rather than reference drafted blueprints.


Matt W Moore-2-Design Crush

Matt W Moore-3-Design Crush

Matt W Moore-4-Design Crush

Matt W Moore-5-Design Crush

Matt W Moore-6-Design Crush

Matt W Moore-7-Design Crush

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