The Stitch

The Stitch-1-Design Crush


The Stitch is part of Speak Your Silence, a nonprofit on a mission to conquer the stigma of child sexual abuse. Founder Matt Pipkin was abused by a family friend as a kid and is now doing his best to transform lives and protect future generations. The Stitch is a zigzag symbolizing your unique voice frequency. By wearing it, you become a voice that can help move the issue of child sexual abuse from a taboo to a cause people love and support. When you wear it each conversation you spark carries the power to transform the life of someone you love and break the stigma of child sexual abuse. You can purchase a sewing kit to add The Stitch to your clothing or purchase a t-shirt with it already embroidered and support Speak Your Silence‘s mission in the process.


The Stitch-2-Design Crush

The Stitch-3-Design Crush

1 Comment
  • Lindsey Morgan

    April 5, 2016 at 2:09 am Reply

    Such an awesome mission!!

    Thanks for sharing!

    – Lindsey of Give Agency

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