Monday Goodness: How to Avoid Talking to People.
PS: Check out the rest of Jim’s work on his blog, he’s a truly talented illustrator!
Posted In create, illustration, monday goodnessPS: Check out the rest of Jim’s work on his blog, he’s a truly talented illustrator!
Posted In create, illustration, monday goodness
FICTION is a new shop that I’m quickly falling in love with. Artist Maggie Louden has a way of capturing nature in the most subtle of ways. Must be her pacific northwest roots shining through.
Alli Jacobson emailed to let me know about her Cityscape series. She purchased 100 pieces of heavy square stock and decided to create a series of, yes, cityscapes. Some in full-on vibrant colors, some liney and black and white and some right in between. You can check out the full spectrum at her shop, but in the meantime here are a few of my favorites.
Posted In create, illustrationJames Brown’s (no, not that James Brown) Bags print is so much sweeter and more polite than the automated announcements played over plane intercoms today. Each one is printed by hand in his East London studio, then signed and dated. {via The Bedlam of Beefy}
There’s something about black line drawings with large fields of color that make me stop and stare each and every time. If it involves buildings and killer architecture there might even be a little drool involved. Budapest-based Lehel Kovacs has both down with his google street views series. He even threw in some pretty hand-drawn type, taking it to over the top awesome. {via ink + wit}
Lately I’m loving the soft, muted tones in the work of artist Kareena Zerefos. At first the various pieces seem like they might belong in a storybook, but then you realize that no child could fully appreciate the extreme meaning behind some of them as an adult does. {Make one your own here.}
Posted In create, illustrationCharley Harper is my favorite illustrator of all time, a bold statement I know. The book Charley Harper: An Illustrated Life, curated by Todd Oldham, has been around for a few years. It’s an over-sized, boxed edition and a little too pricey for my pockets. So you can imagine the magnitude of my joy when I spotted the recently released hardcover version for only $50 while browsing books yesterday. And wow, was it ever worth the wait! I perused to my hearts content over every page and more than once let out an Oh, wow. So happy to finally have this one as part of my collection.
Designer at GQ by day, artist by night. I love the lighthearted work of Chelsea Cardinal.
Posted In create, illustrationIllustrator David Fullarton laughs at our misfortunes. And then turns around and makes a profit off of them with his quirky, collaged illustrations. And I like him for it. If you do, too, you should probably pick up a copy of his book, I Can’t Apologise Enough.
Posted In create, illustration, read upMy favorite movie is Cinderella. No, not my favorite Disney movie or even my favorite children’s movie. Just my favorite movie period. So when I saw these concept drawings of Mary Blair’s I about flipped my lid. They’re stunning. I’d give my left arm to own one, but it turns out some are available for around $1,300.
Posted In create, illustration