Eugene and Louise Bakery.

Eugene and Louise Bakery in Antwerp is the team-up between three Belgian friends: Glenn D’Hondt & Sylvia Meert (aka Eugene and Louise) and Tinne Mermans.

Their product design couldn’t be any more playful and fun if they tried. I’m sure the product is fantastic, but it could taste like tires and I’d still buy it as long as it looked like this!

:: via bad banana blog


Grady McFerrin.

Grady McFerrin’s bio piece pretty much says it all. Who doesn’t love a Trekkie who can draw?? I love his style. I remember seeing the last piece in Comm Arts a few years back and falling in love with it. So glad to have come across both he and work again.



I feel like screaming “Poop!” at the top of my lungs right now. Well, maybe a synonym of poop that rhymes with spit. It’s just the kind of day I’m having – nothing to do with work or anything else really. Just a general feeling of blah. And I suppose listening to depressing music (i.e. The Reindeer Section, Cary Brothers, etc) all day long isn’t helping lift my spirits much. Oh well, sometimes it’s nice to wallow for a bit.


Photographer Crush: She Hit Pause Studios.

She Hit Pause Studios is Matt Schwartz, photographer, and Kate Shawver, web designer/developer. Matt has been photographing his version of the pin-up girl for the past ten years and all of his models are friends or people who have purchased his work which makes it all that much more appealing and interesting. With Polaroids going like hot cakes, seems like the man chose the right business because he’s truly gifted.

:: via coco+kelley


Star Wars vs. Saul Bass.

I’m thinking I would be a waaay bigger Star Wars fan had the entire movie been done like this courtesy of Mr. Saul Bass. Here’s what it might have looked like had it been filmed two decades earlier and Bass had been director.

:: via Neatorama