These paintings by Stellalola (aka Julie Lewis) are perfectly fun and vintage, yet somehow have a modern vibe all at the same time. Hooray for versatility!
Posted In create, paintingI’ve found myself in a stage of childhood art lust these past few weeks and the stunning work of painter Amber Alexander has only thrown fuel on the fire.
Painting with mainly watercolors, but guilty of the occasional acrylic piece, Alexander creates stunning paintings that seem fit for the prettiest vintage storybook. With her washes of sheer color and imaginative creatures, Alexander’s work is as timeless as it is beautiful. I’d love to decorate a child’s bedroom or playroom with a series her work.
Posted In create, paintingA girl after my own heart, artist Madeline Adams is drawn to repetition. Must be why I’m so drawn to her work.
:: via poppytalk
Finnish artist Hanna Konola’s work makes me feel all giddy inside. Her talents include drawing, illustrating and printmaking – need I mention that I would be completely content with only one of the three? Didn’t think so.
:: via frolic
Posted In create, paintingI’m so, so happy to call these two prints by JellyBeans – The Turning Point and Vitality – mine as of a few moments ago. I can’t wait to have them in my hot little hands! I have to admit it was a tough choice to make because I love so many of her prints. The way she uses those bold, vibrant colors really gets me. If you haven’t already, head that way and check them out for yourself!
Posted In create, paintingI’m swooning over this Summer Love print by artist Andy Davis.
Posted In create, paintingEvery once in awhile I come across something that really hits home so to speak. There’s no real reason, just a connection felt. For example, this watercolor print entitled Jungle by Katherine Benck at etsy shop This is Kate. It just makes me feel all sad-smiley for some reason. Loving those greens.
Posted In create, paintingTina Berning is an incredibly gifted German artist whose work I just love. These pieces are from a project entitled 100 Girls on Cheap Paper and is pretty self-explanatory. One hundred girls. One hundred pieces of cheap or found paper. There’s even a book coming out entailing the entire project. Also check out her online diary sketches.
Posted In create, paintingBen Matthews is an artist from Pittsburgh who spends his days painting signage for a local grocery store chain. It’s what he does in his off hours that’s truly amazing. His characters are based on imaginary bizarre inventions, old advertisements, sideshows, antique photographs and storybooks. The result is sometimes unsettling, but always mesmerizing. Matthews says that when he creates his art he tries to make the pieces look as though they’ve “already served their purpose” (i.e. worn). By doing so he creates a past for the posters and a history for us, the viewer, to unravel.
Posted In create, painting, paper goods