I’m only speaking for myself here, but my holiday budget is tighter this year than it’s been in some time. I’m talking pre-career. The nice thing about that is that it’s made me think about the gifts I’m giving even more than I normally would. Starting today I’ll be sharing some ideas for handcrafted gifts to make and give.
Sure, I could buy a friend a bottle of their favorite alcohol at the liquor store, but something homemade might be even better. And cost a little less. And be a little cooler, just think of all the bottling possibilities!
Posted In christmas, cocktails, gifts, holidays, make itAs I previously mentioned, this year I’ve abandoned gift guides in favor of cool things. You can simply look at them, put them on your own wish list, or purchase one as a gift if it really fits someone’s style.
a.) Who’s the Fairest Mirror
b.) Glove & Hate Oven Mit
c.) FREITAG F48 Hazzard
d.) Hammond’s Lollipops
e.) Omerica Belt Buckles
After seeing holiday decorations lined upon store shelves as early as mid-October, I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t so much as mention Christmas until after Thanksgiving. Well, that day is finally here. Over the next few weeks I’ll share my favorite cards, a few recipes, some homemade/handmade ideas, and a lot of great things that could be given as gifts should you so choose.
(In most cases, the card shown is only a sampling of what the shop has to offer.)
Advent calendars have always been a big deal for me. Whether it’s one from Hallmark or a more elaborate set-up involving pieces of chocolate or tiny presents, there was always one put up in our little house come December 1st. These are some of my favorites out there this year.
{Mini Desktop Advent Calendar}
Posted In calendars, christmas, holidays, paper goods
Yeah, I know. It’s December 29th and I’m only just now wishing you happy holidays and I have the gall to post a photo of silver tree branches after the 25th! Oh well, because I’ve been hanging onto this photo since last Christmas and just had to share. And to wish you the happiest season just about ever.
The flu has made for the hills, though my ears are still stuffy and I only have about 75% of my hearing. Next week brings a visit to an ear nose and throat doctor and hopefully the other 25% back. My MacBook showed up two hours after me at work this morning, wrapping up an oddly Groundhog Day-ish experience. (The display went out on the same day as last year, under the same circumstances and the same genius at the Apple Store waited on me one year to the day. Freaky.) All good things so far this week and I’m hoping the trend continues.
Blogging will be spotty this week, but stay tuned for some loose ends that were left hanging when I expectantly fell to the forces of the flu. (i.e. the Xenotees winner, the end of Cinnamon Week, etc.) So happy to be back!
Posted In christmas, holidaysI haven’t made a paper snowflake in ages, let alone an entire curtain of them. But, oh wow, isn’t this snowflake curtain beautiful?
Great things from the week past…
Super pretty I-can’t-believe-they’re-a-free-download holiday gift tags :: Two Brunettes
Are you using TeuxDeux, the super simple, designy, free to-do app yet? :: swissmiss
Relive your childhood mall Santa terrors with Sketchy Santas
Tear off wallpaper for that customized look :: Design-Milk
Pantone unveils Turquoise 15-5519 as color of the year for 2010!
Living In: Romeo & Juliet :: Design*Sponge
More incredible free printable wintry holiday tags for your collection :: Domestifluff
This December desktop calendar is rockin’ my screen right now :: simple blueprint
Loving the details in this chic Chicago wedding :: Style Me Pretty
Download these envelope + package wraps for your holiday mailings :: Creature Comforts
A great selection of warm + cozy throws for under $100 :: Shelterpop
Check out my personal wish list for the year! :: Shiny Squirrel
Giveaway Reminder: You have until Monday at 9am CST to enter the ivee giveaway!
Happy Weekend!
Posted In accessories, christmas, downloads, graphic design, happy weekend, holidays, house and home, online, shameless plug, walls, weddings
Not this year, but hopefully next, I plan on going 100% handmade with all of my presents. As in, handmade by me. It’s a big undertaking, but I’ve been gathering ideas for a few months and know it’s totally do-able. My latest find: DIY flavored sugars. (PS: Don’t you just love how she wrapped them?!}