Happy {Thanksgiving} Weekend.

I’m thrilled for Thanksgiving this year. Not just the food, food, FOOD or the mad dash shopping on Black Friday (which I really do love, by the way), but the tradition. I’ve never missed a Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in my lifetime, so that’s first up. Then I’ll be making cranberry parfaits to enter into our family’s yearly Thanksgiving Dessert Contest. Sometime in the early afternoon I’ll head over to my mom and stepdad’s house. My mom and I will cook and browse the sales ads to formulate our plan of action for Friday. There will be lots of football watched and maybe even a little bit of Christmas decorating done since we’ll all be together. Finally, that evening I’ll roll myself to my car and home, with a bag full of leftovers to sustain me throughout the weekend. What’s the best part of your Thanksgiving Day?

Lots of good stuff floating around this week…

The holidays can be a bit stressful to say the least and I love this Keep Calm and Drink printable to keep things light and funny :: Whisker Graphics

Sweet Paul kicked off his crafty holiday countdown today!

Love these vintage photos from the 1932 Macy’s parade :: bad banana blog

I like this idea for Thanksgiving Blessing Snack Mix – it would make a great hostess gift or take-away for guests and could be packaged up so sweetly! :: The Kitchn

Cute bird bookmark download – great idea to tuck one into a book you’re loaning out or returning from having borrowed as a little surprise :: How About Orange

Getting ready to start decorating for the holidays? Here’s a great roundup of DIY wreaths :: marta writes

Mrs. French is now selling her photography as little Polaroid collections in her shop! :: Bliss

A pretty place setting practice template to help kids learn the ropes of table settings (free labor!) :: Blonde Designs

Rachel’s doing a great set of posts – Holidays, Managed – to help keep the stress at bay and the end goal in mind :: Heart of Light

A great selection of one of my favorite parts of a wedding: the seating chart :: Pretty Little Things

Happy {Thanksgiving} Weekend!

Don’t forget – you have until Monday at 9am CST to enter the Vivi Dot giveaway for a haul of fun holiday accessories!


The Daily Eat: Turkey Egg Rolls + Turkey Roundup.

Turkey in egg rolls? Yes! I love this take on a way to incorporate turkey into a Thanksgiving meal in a non-traditional manner.


The Daily Eat: Grilled Turkey and Brie Sandwich with Cranberry Chutney.

It’s Thanksgiving Week, which means food, food and even more food! And while I can hardly wait for my Mom’s cranberry sage stuffing and our annual dessert contest, I’m also thinking about ways to use up the inevitable leftovers. And there are always lots of them. Especially turkey. Which is why I’ve dedicated this week to the tasty bird. Do you have any go-to recipes to use up your Thanksgiving feast the day after?

I never eat as many sandwiches as during the holidays. They’re fast, easy to make and most of the time only help to make room in the refrigerator for even more, yes, food. But they can get boring oh so quickly, so I’m always looking for ways to mix it up. I think I’ll make a few of these Grilled Turkey and Brie Sandwiches with Cranberry Chutney for my Mom and I to enjoy during our Black Friday Shop-a-thon throwdown!


The Daily Eat: Sweet Potato Linguine + Sweet Potato Roundup.

This recipe for Sweet Potato Linguine with Bacon, Tomato and Artichoke Sauce looks delicious. I love the idea of cutting vegetables differently, in this case the sweet potatoes themselves are actually the pasta!