The Daily Eat: Pineapple Pie.

I thought everyone could probably use a warm weather ingredient for The Daily Eat this week, and nothing says it quite like pineapple. Without further ado, enjoy Pineapple Week!

Another moment of TMI: I’m not a meringue lover. I must have some sort of egg white allergy because it makes my tongue itch like no other! I’m fairly certain that I’d suffer through just this once to enjoy a big slice of Pineapple Pie with brown sugar meringue sitting atop it. Well, as long as whoever was with me didn’t mind me scratching my tongue on my teeth for the next hour or so…

:: recipe and photo via


The Daily Eat: Japanese Pizza.

Japanese pizza. Two words I’ve never once used in the same sentence until now. Also known as “okonomiyaki,” it’s a street food that ends up somewhere between a pizza and a frittata. Any topping is a go – this version showcases cabbage, toasted almonds and fresh chives.

:: recipe and photo via 101 Cookbooks


The Daily Eat: BBQ Pizza with Fig, Gorgonzola and Prosciutto.

I’m not a big pizza eater unless it’s something really special. Blame it on overload in college or whatever, but there you have it. The brutally honest truth. That said, I really do like out of the ordinary pies, so that’s what this week is going to be all about. Enjoy Pizza Week!

Case in point: BBQ Pizza with fig, gorgonzola and prosciutto. Talk about food porn. This is the definition of the phrase.

:: recipe and photo via Chefectomy