Happy (Labor Day) Weekend

PHOTO: Ana Santos


01/ a go-to recipe for a simple berry coulis
02/ these cast bottle vases are everywhere, but I couldn’t help myself
03/ an updated DIY friendship bracelet in leather
04/ wooden envelope templates for extra special snail mail
05/ go fly a kite!
06/ the perfect fall motorcycle jacket
07/ a brilliant built-in wall outlet extension cord
08/ time for fall + spiced chai tea concentrate
09/ crazy about this geometric tiled patio!

See you Tuesday!


GAGC Magazine


Andrea Cheng and Meg Wachter are the brilliant ladies behind the blog Got A Girl Crush where they catalogue inspirational women – everyone from Stevie Nicks to Maira Kalman is fair game. And now they’ve launched a bi-annual GAGC magazine spin-off! The first issue was just released and it’s full of ten talented ladies doing cool things in the worlds of art, music, and design. You can pick up a copy here or check it out online for free.


Hitting the Concrete Catwalk


If you follow me on Twitter chances are you’ve seen me mention/freak out about attending New York Fashion Week next month. Now I love fashion as much as the next girl, but it takes a little something extra to be Bryant Park-ready. After one of my (only semi) kidding tweets about having someone style me, my friend Jessie of The Concrete Catwalk stepped up to the plate with her style & pepper services.

Jessie asked me a few questions, sussed out some preferences, checked if there were any pieces in my wardrobe I wanted to work around, and off she went to style me! Yesterday I received an amazing personalized Polyvore spread full of chic separates that will be really easy to mix and match. This outfit has to be my favorite – those pants! I love how Jessie told me what she sees me wearing each outfit to, it helped me picture the pieces in real life.


If you’d like Jessie to help you with some fashion woes or just want to spice up your wardrobe for fall you should check out her styling services!


Chronic Bitchface



From the artist, Kris Atomic:

Just doing my bit to spread awareness for this common, but little understood condition. Thousands around the world are affected by chronic bitchface, with sufferers having to endure being told to “SMILE” and “cheer up” by well meaning, but irritating strangers. There is no known cure.

Buy the print here.