The Island of Dr Gâteau.

There’s not much I appreciate as much in this world as a clever, witty idea and the person behind it. Which is why you should drop what you’re doing immediately (Immediately, I said!) and click over to The Island of Dr Gâteau, the most flipping genius food blog I’ve seen maybe, oh, EVER.

Jess, the brains behind the blog, combines her love of food and science in the coolest way – by conducting experiments in recipe creation. Sometimes her ideas are based on principles of molecular gastronomy or the science of taste (she’s doing a PhD in cognitive neuroscience, you know, in her spare time) and sometimes just because. From here she shares information about the biology and psychology of the eating experience and how the brain can be tricked gastronomically. If you’re a geeky girl at heart like me, then you’ll definitely appreciate Jess’s refreshing take on all things food.

PS: She’s damn handy with a camera, too!

PPS: Did you catch the play on words in the name of the blog?


I Want Candy.

I want candy, and lots of it. I was lucky enough to grow up in a complex of town houses, which meant mucho sweets come October 31st. Everything was close in proximity and it wasn’t unheard of to have 500+ kids stop by your house come Halloween night. So for me, well, it was all about quantity. It also wasn’t unheard of for there to be lingering Halloween candy come Easter. What kind of trick or treater were you as a kid?


Happy Weekend.

{via ffffound}

+ Hoping these Apple Nachos find my face soon.

+ Why can’t my roof grow a forest?

+ Halloween dessert table, party of one!

+ Great article about chefs, their scars, and how they got them.

+ I love a good bow tie.

+ I automatically don’t like anyone who refuses this Halloween party invitation.

+ Pretty excited about these Pittsburgh tees.

+ Love this Halloween invitation download!

+ Helvetica + Cross-stitch = Awesome

+ Plant your driveway.

+ A scratch-n-sniff print that smells like the moon!

+ This woman chronicled her life in fairground shooting gallery photos.

+ You should pick up a copy of Dick and Jane and Vampires for your favorite kiddo (or kiddo at heart).

+ Some ideas on what to do with the rest of October!

Happy Weekend!


Picture It.

{Enzo & Lulu}

Note: This will be the last daily Picture It. After almost two years of sharing daily photos I’ve decided to switch things up a bit and do themed photo groups once or twice a week instead. It seems as though you’ve all been enjoying those immensely, and now they’ll be a little more frequent.