Word: oh, hello friend.

{via ffffound, no trackback}

i dream a dream
in a room
with balloons above
thirteen balloons
the room is colored
red and white
where am i going
do you remember
up up and away
i go
perhaps i can fly
to castles in the sky
or by the sea
stay a while
here with me
be my friend
and we can fly
around the moon
feel the sun
then awakened
i will await
return soon to
my world of dreams

A big thank you to Danni of oh, hello friend for sharing her words! Be sure to check out her lovely, inspirational blog as well as her darling shop.


Win It: evie s.

I get really excited to highlight locals and that’s definitely the case with evie s. Evie is smack-dab right here in Oklahoma City and creates some of the most beautiful things. (Not to mention has a great blog!) Recently she’s branched out into pillows and this week is giving away a Sky and Land pillow to one of you. It’s sure to brighten up a dark corner as we trudge through these last days of winter.

To Enter, Tell Me:
1. What’s the first activity you’re planning for when the weather warms up?
2. Your email address.
3. Do it all before Monday, February 22nd at 9am CST.

Please leave only one comment. Those who do not leave a valid email address will be disqualified. Winner will be selected randomly and contacted Monday, February 22nd.


Happy {Valentine’s Day} Weekend.

+ A pretty Valentine’s Day garland using ready-made materials

+ Grrrrrrreat pirate valentines (sorry, I couldn’t help myself)

+ My GreatFull guest post (RE: snow)

+ I made this chicken chili for the Super Bowl and whoa (It’s even better the next day!)

+ With Alice in Wonderland on the horizon, why not make your own Cheshire Cat?

+ Loads of lovely + free Valentine ephemera

+ Printable conversation candy bar wrappers

PS: You have until Monday morning at 9am CST to enter The Storyboard Book giveaway!

Happy Valentine’s Day!
Happy Weekend!


Last Minute Valentines.

And by last minute I mean can you believe that all of these are free for you to download and print? I’m not even kidding. I wouldn’t do that to you.


Valentine’s Day Sweets.

To me Valentine’s Day is all about handmade and homemade. I insist on making my valentines instead of buying them and the same goes for any treats. With the exception of candy. Here are a few different sweets I’ve got my eye on.