Win It: MusicCooks.

I love, love, love the concept behind Sharon O’Connor’s MusicCooks – 15 themed collections of recipes with an accompanying CD of music to listen to while you’re cooking that matches the mood of the food! The recipe cards are sturdy and easy to clean, while the music features Grammy-award winning musicians and Sharon herself among other artists.

Thanks to Sharon and her lovely daughter, Claire, I have two collections to give away this week – Coffee Treats and Chocolate Bliss! Coffee Treats features muffins, scones and quick breads to enhance your coffee time and Brandenburg Concertos to tickle your eardrums. Ant then there is Chocolate Bliss which is just that, a chocolate lover’s dream come true! Seductive Bossa Nova music is paired with it to put you in the mood for romance.

As a little sneak peak of the sheer deliciousness that each collection holds, here’s a recipe from each for you to whip up and enjoy! For you coffee-time lovers, Buttermilk Currant Scones with Strawberry Preserves and for the chocoholics, Chocolate Silk Pie.

To Enter:
1. If you were to create a cookbook, what recipe that you make would have to be included as the star?
2. Leave your email address so that I can contact you should you win (those who do not will be disqualified)
3. Do it all before Tuesday, October 13th at 9am CST

Two winners will be randomly selected shortly after the giveaway closes. Best of luck!


Win It: PaPaYa Winner.

Congratulations Stephanie!

When I was a kid I wanted to be everything from a flight attendant to a high school art teacher. Around 16 I fell in love with graphic design and I’m happy to say that I get to live my dream every day! Thanks so much for sharing your childhood dreams and aspirations and entering the giveaway. Also, a big thanks to PaPaYa and Sabrina Ward Harrison for giving away this pretty giclee print!


Monday Goodness: Bonjour.

This weekend I managed to:
• sleep a lot to try and fool this cold-thing into going away
• go to a friends to eat copious amounts of dip and watch the pitiful OU/Miami game
• run a bajillion errands Sunday afternoon
• get a little bit of random unplanned Xmas shopping done
• eat Sunday dinner at my parents’


Happy Weekend.

I’ve been putting up a valiant effort in fighting off a cold that’s threatening to take away my weekend, but it seems to be gaining an edge. The achiness has moved in and my willingness to venture out of the house and moved on. If by chance you’re feeling under the weather as well, content yourself from your couch with these lovely links from the past week… Happy Weekend!

**NOTE: Don’t forget, you only have until Monday at 9am to enter the PaPaYa giveway to win a beautiful giclee print from Sabrina Ward Harrison.

Scoutie Girl zooms in on some pretty things from right here in Oklahoma

imbibe for the cure with these pink cocktails that celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness month

or maybe mix up a few of these libations from the Mad Men era

pretty printable October calendar for you important dates

and another one for your computer desktop

classy way to serve popcorn at a party or your wedding

look chic and support the cause by buying one of these chic headbands from Bambako

if you’re obsessed with Where the Wild Things Are like me, take a look a these fun pillows

get in the Halloween frame of mind with these tales of historic haunted houses

and then print out these spooky treat bags

delicious cupcakes in a cup


Picture It.

This is totally how I feel when five clients who have had project proofs out for a month all get back to me on the same day and want files sent to the printer by end of day!


The Daily Eat: Roasted Eggplant Dip + Eggplant Roundup.

I’m in the middle of a love affair with dip that’s been going on for as long as I can remember. It started innocently enough as a child, using a green pepper from a veggie tray to scoop mouthfuls of it into my greedy little mouth. Ignoring social etiquette and using the same slice of pepper again and again, of course. Now it’s advanced to a high level, for example this Roasted Eggplant Dip. But I still find it hard to turn down a tub of french onion dip from the grocery store!


3 to See.

Erin finds the best art that you’ve never seen
but then again, you already knew that

Jessica’s love for orange and good design
chronicled for us to devour

Karey’s back in action after a little break
i’ve missed her and her girlies immensely

Check out past 3 to See posts


Picture It: Cups + Mugs.

A cold front is pushing its way through Oklahoma today and bringing perfect weather with it, cool days and chilly nights. That’s right, it’s time to pull out your biggest, most favorite mug and settle in with a cup of warmth. Mine is one I bought in college for less than two dollars that’s an awful color of brown. But it fits my hand just so when I lift it up to drink! Do you have a favorite mug?


Picture It.

Pretty sure this is the intensity with which I was eating my cupcake at Sara Sara this afternoon. (The Key Lime for those of you wondering.) What food could delve into with this sort of abandon?