Win It: oh, hello friend Reminder.

Just a teeny, tiny reminder that you have until next Monday, August 31st at 9am CST to enter the oh, hello friend giveaway! I’m loving reading all of your best friend stories, so I thought I’d share mine with you.

Linnzi and Asher

I met Linnzi during the first part of my sophomore year of college. She was the girlfriend of the roommate of the guy I liked. We were both looking for a new roommate and after spending some time hanging out at the guys’ house and their (awful) band practices we decided to move in together. We instantly became best friends and I realized I had found a true kindred spirit in her. Since those days of roommate-y bliss we’ve had our ups and downs for sure, but always bounce back. Now she lives in North Carolina with her amazing husband (the same guy!) and adorable, smart-as-a-whip son. And I just found out last month that she’s expecting again! Although we don’t get to talk nearly as much as I’m sure either of us would like, when we do things just snap right back into place. And to me, well, that’s just what a best friendship is.


Word: enJOY it.

This week’s Word is brought to you by the lovely Elise of enJOY it! If you haven’t checked out her blog or shop yet I highly recommend it. Immediately after reading this of course….

one, two, three go.
it’s me.
all alone.
on a stage.
under lights.
with a poem,
that i forgot.
so i’ll just wing it.
one, two, three go.


Win It: oh, hello friend.

Do you read oh, hello friend? If not you should hurry over quick as can be and subscribe immediately. This blog is just oozing inspiration and gorgeous design! Then after reading every single post you should thank the lovely Danni for this week’s giveaway. A big ‘ol gift pack with your choice of one hair pin, a Joy necklace, your choice of pocket mirror and your choice of button! All from her lovely shop, of course. Now if that doesn’t brighten your Monday, well, I don’t know what will!

To Enter:
1. Tell me about your best friend!
2. Leave your email address (those who do not will be automatically disqualified)
3. Do it all before Monday, August 31st at 9am CST

A winner will be chosen randomly shortly after the contest closes. Best of luck!


Happy Weekend.

This past week has been gloriously busy and productive. Now onto the weekend! Do you have any fabulous plans?

This Weekend:
• make a trip to the craft store for supplies
• do some chili makin’
• a trip to the dog park
• research the South Beach Diet
• groceries, laundry, blah, blah, blah

NOTE: You only have until Monday at 9am CST to enter the Up Up Creative giveaway!

Happy Weekend!