The Daily Eat: Tomatoes Crème Brulée + Tomato Roundup.

This recipe for Tomatoes Crème Brulée looks interesting. If I could manage to get the idea of a traditional crème brulée being a dessert out of my head I think it might be really tasty. But am I that adventurous? Are you?


3 to See.

I’m sort of obsessed with this blog
about giving props to chicks who are awesome

Follow this amazing prop stylist and crafter
who also dabbles in cooking

Alyson covers fashion, design and inspirational finds
find her talents here, here and here, too

Check out past 3 to See posts here


Vale Design Paper Goods.

I’m thrilled that Erin, of Vale Design blog fame, has opened her own shop – Vale Design Paper Goods! The store is all about printables, which I love – no shipping required. Currently being offered are stationery and three favor box templates with more designs expected to roll in over the next few weeks. If you haven’t tripped over there yet, now is the time to do so. Congratulations Erin!


Word: The Lil Bee.

This week’s Word is brought you by none other than one of my very, very favorite, favorite bloggers – Melisa of The Lil Bee

{via ffffound – photographer?}

I look too wrinkled? I do, right? I’m wrinkled. Shoot. Should I steam? Maybe I could hang it in the shower for a minute. Wait, no…it’s already 9:15! Omigod I am so late. Shoot, I cannot go out like this. Can I? Maybe if I blow-dry it I can get some wrinkles out! Perfect.

Ouch! S#it, damnit, what the, I burned my leg! Omigod ow. You know what? Screw it. It’s 92 f’ing degrees out anyway. I don’t even care if I’m wrinkled. Stupid job. At least I tried. Unlike Dumpy McDumperson Boss Lady. She’ll probably wear her “sensible shoes” again. Heinous. Whatever. All right, I’m out of here. Love you, see you later, hon!!

Oh, s#it. Where are my keys? Have you seen my KEYS??!!