3 to See.

because I bookmark almost all of the recipes
and I love the clean look of the blog
and that you can create your own cookbook

because she’s an amazing artist
and shows the best tutorials
and is still at university

because she sometimes feels the need to write haikus
or wear fake moles
and super duper funny

The Daily Eat: Apricot Chiffon Pie + Apricot Round Up.

My grandmother is a pro at chiffon pies, which is quite possibly why they’re really the only type of pie that I like. Her specialties were peach and strawberry, but I’m thinking this Apricot Chiffon Pie is worth a shot, too!

:: recipe and photo via Martha Stewart

Fridays are quickly turning into my favorite day for The Daily Eat – I love sharing all these extra recipes with you!


Mad Props: May.

Hello there, May, where did you go so fast? Say goodbye to the month with these killer posts from around the blogosphere included in this month’s Mad Props!


Win It: Thoroughly Curly.

I’m thrilled to be able to introduce Thoroughly Curly Designs and her adorable calling cards as this week’s Win It contest! I think it’s always très chic to have a personal card to hand out as opposed to a business card in certain situations. And lucky, lucky you because you can win the set of your choice!

To enter, take a look at Thoroughly Curly’s calling card gallery and choose your favorite. In the comments tell me which one rocks your world, why you need people to call you and your email address. You have until Tuesday, June 2 at noon CST to enter the contest.

Good luck and may the force be with you!