2000 and Counting.

Oops! I missed my 2,000th post by one.

I just wanted to send out a quick thank you for reading Design Crush and making me smile on a daily basis with your comments and emails. So thank you, dear readers, and here’s to a thousand more! I hope you’ll join me for the ride.


Win It: The Left Handed Calligrapher.

This contest/collaboration has been in the planning stages for way too long and I’m thrilled beyond words to finally be able to announce Win It: The Left Handed Calligrapher!

Nicole, The Left Handed Calligrapher herself, has offered an absolutely amazing prize for the winner of this contest: an 8.5 X 11″ piece featuring either the quote or short poem of your choice in her lovely penmanship. You’ll get to work with her to determine the style, colors and font used in the final piece. Coolest thing ever, right?!

*This contest is now CLOSED*

To enter tell us what your favorite part of spring it. It can be an event, a feeling, a thing, you name it. Please be sure to include your email address as well. Commenting will close at noon one week from today (Monday, April 13th) at noon CST and we’ll choose the lucky winner! US residents only.


Happy Weekend.

Yay for Friday! Booo for bipolar weather! It’s swung from 30s to 70s and back again not once, but twice this week. Make up your mind, Mother Nature – can a girl switch out her winter wardrobe for spring or not?

This Weekend:
• work on the never-ending project that is my china cabinet
• go to the Thunder game with my mom
• finish reading New Moon
• LAUNDRY! like three weeks worth
• spring cleaning in the kitchen
• watch the lat weekend of March Madness

Happy Weekend!

:: photo via ffffound (Love, love, LOVE this tattoo and really, really, REALLY wishing I didn’t already have one shoulder occupied with another…)