Little Corners: Mackin Ink

Welcome to the well-curated corners of Mackin Ink (aka Karey Mackin)!

i spend a lot of time in this room. i write here, i watch my husband cook from here, i marvel with my girlies three here about everything from the size and beauty of their muscles {grae-rose} to how fast they can run from the back of the house to the front and back again {esmé. and her record is twelve seconds.} to their dead-on accuracy with the latest eminem or karmin rap {lillie kate. and yes, i am worried about this.}, i tell everyone who shockingly does not care that our chairs are hans wegner when they are actually tell city, i allow esmé to add anything she wants to the inspiration wall for as long as the turquoise tape lasts {it usually looks like this}, i slide off into wonderful memories inside all our photos instead of writing, and lose chunks of time dreaming of the ones we haven’t even made yet. i just realized that i only keep things in here that make me smile. totally unlike my laundry room.







Happy Weekend


01/ This week’s theme appears to be all things geometric, like these painted teacup planters.
02/ The Turducken of cheese balls!
03/ Rad overhead photographs form Alex MaLean.
04/ Cinco de Mayo isn’t too far away, check out these DIY geometric flag garlands!
05/ Make a sweet paper flower branch candelabra for your dining table.
06/ And here’s a more versatile downloadable geometric garland.
07/ Oh you know, just a full-sized projected laser keyboard. No biggie.
08/ One of the only things that can make cheese look better – this puzzle tray.
09/ I might eat my sushi more slowly if it were wrapped in this delicate laser cut seaweed.
10/ A countertop coffee brewer, yes!


Little Corners: Pattern Pulp

At home with Shayla Kulik of Pattern Pulp.

Okay. We all have that troublesome spot above the TV. What do you do with it? Will art compete, will it be asymmetrical in a bad way, what on earth will complement, won’t break the bank and be fairly easy to install? I figured my best bet was to order mini canvases, paint and arrange on the wall. I did them in two phases and I’ll say I’m quite pleased with the results. The hardest part was hanging the grid. Here’s how they went up.


When my husband and I eloped, we actually considered making this our announcement art. Everything about the way our toothbrushes fall, tilt and slink (they’re rarely upright) reflects the nature of our relationship – quirky, fun and perfectly suited!


This is my favorite DIY piece. I travel quite a bit for Pattern Pulp and am forever snapping photos of print and texture inspiration. At the suggestion of a friend, I started desaturating my photos and printing them on matte card stock for the living room wall. Lately the mini canvases have served as inspiration for the painting class I’m taking at SVA.


This is my special little nook in the bedroom, and yes, that’s Pooh and I’ve had him since 8th grade. In lieu of babies and pets, he gets more than his fair share of attention. The mirror was a steal for $15 at Housing Works and after a fresh coat of white glossy paint, it actually looks brand new. That said, I’m waiting for it to crash in the middle of the night, it’s literally hanging on a wire thread.


Count me in as a plant lover. Unfortunately I’m without a green thumb and post all of my sad plant stories to Instagram. That said, this little guy’s been growing Little Shop of Horrors style for the past few months. The SCAD pencils are a handy addition to the desk for when I need to do a quick and colorful sketch.


Happy Weekend


01/ Where rot meets fascination.
02/ Outdoor rugs made of rocks – so smart.
03/ Chalktrail looks like the best time!
04/ Paper towels colored with leftover egg dye.
05/ I used to dye flowers like this as a kid!
06/ Typography + Knives
07/ These dip-dyed paper placemats are such fun!
08/ Wishing I were patient enough for this ombre nail job.
09/ I don’t use glass paint nearly enough, check out these tumblers.
10/ Fantastic patterns on every one of these Coaster Puzzle Trays.


Little Corners: Hank + Hunt

Today we’re popping in to check out Hank + Hunt‘s (aka Jenny Batt’s) home base!

My favorite part of the house is the giant dining room / work area that I have. There is a huge picture window and gorgeous light.  It is where I make everything, shoot everything, and blog everything. I love the wall of windows I have to the backyard, which is so green and wonderful, I have massive bright orange poppies coming! I love that we have a gas fireplace and can flip it on with the flip of a switch. It is AWESOME. This house is much bigger than our last one, and it has a foyer! A foyer! Hooray! I never knew how much I liked them until I didn’t have one.



Happy Weekend


01/  Homemade Peeps!
02/ Spicy Roasted Pineapple Lemon/Limeade – YUM!
03/ Mooo is at it again with 12 pages of Easter downloads
04/ I heart Mark Bittman, check out his Everyday, Anytime Egg-Combination Generator!
05/ Bring home the disco with mirrored subway tiles
06/ Looking forward to the release of Mrs. Lilien’s Cocktail Swatchbook May 29th
07/ You need to be following this beautiful Instagram series – Life with SMS – by Ryan Marshall
08/ Love these watercolor Easter eggs
09/ Ever think about cross-stitching your screen door?


Little Corners: The Ravenna Girls

The little corners of The Ravenna Girls’ casa.

We bought our 1922 Seattle Bungalow as a foreclosure in 2009, and as such it needed a lot of TLC. We’re both architects by training, so there is a lot of experimenting here and there going on as far as larger projects go. We like our little corners where we can easily swap out artwork and seasonal decor to keep things fresh without stressing out too much about design. We’ve tried to keep a fairly neutral backdrop where we can let colorful vintage finds and repurposed items shine. Our design tends to an eclectic mix of mid-century pieces with some whimsy thrown in. Some of our favorite furniture pieces are family heirlooms and they really bring that heart to our home.



Snap, Crackle, Pop

As a kid, Rice Krispies Treats were sort of the be all end all of classroom birthday treats. We only made them about once a year at home, so it was always extra special for me. Lately I’ve been noticing a trend of dressed up RKTs that are a little more adultified, if you will. Browned butter, dark chocolate ganache, macadamia nuts – endless possibility! You’ll also notice different variations on crispy/crispies/krispy/krispies throughout that left me looking up the correct spelling of the cereal. Hope you find at least one recipe that takes you back to simpler times in a kicked up way. (Click on the image to be taken to the recipe and source.)
















All photos and recipes copyright of their respective source unless otherwise noted.