
spinthread has been making its rounds for a few months now, but it wasn’t until I saw Erin’s necklace in person at the Alt Summit that I really fell for Lorena’s work. And wow, have I fallen hard. I love her attention to detail and all the vibrant color combinations she uses.


Warby Parker.

I need new glasses something awful. I keep putting a new pair on my To Buy List and they keep getting nudged further and further on down.

But then I came across Warby Parker. And Cailin. And I think it’s meant to be. Especially since frames and lenses are only $95. New glasses? Check. I wonder if that adorable comes with…


Happy Weekend.

Only one post today because I’m feeling under the weather with a sore throat and achy ears. I’m hoping to crawl into bed for some R&R sooner than later, but here are a few tidbits to help get you through the weekend! Psst… don’t forget, you have until Monday at 9am CST to enter the evie s. giveaway!

+ Mrs. Lilien has started a Mrs. horoscope series, pop over to check out Mrs. Aquarius

+ We need to bring pothole gardens to the US!

+ A pretty printable Save the Date postcard for you to enjoy

+ The sweetest gifts barely cost a thing

+ Better late than never, my Valentine’s Day gift list for the Shiny Squirrel!

+ Ate all of your Girl Scout Cookies already? Why not whip up a few batch of these Samoa Bars and Tagalongs!

Happy Weekend!