
Little known fact, I’m mildly obsessed with cross sections of trees. I love their untold stories, timeline of life, and individuality. Connecticut-based artist Bryan Gill Nash has created Woodcut, a collection of large scale reliefs made from trees on the land surrounding his studio and neighborhood. I’ve poured over it cover to cover and love having it as a part of my coffee table collection!


10 Reasons You Shouldn’t Miss HOW Design Conference

Operation Nice’s Melissa is pretty much the Queen of HOW Design Conference. She’s one of the conference’s biggest advocates, an amazing designer, and this year she’s even speaking. So she was my obvious go-to when it came to letting you all know why not to miss next week’s conference. (Pssst… use the code ‘CRUSH’ for $100 off!)



10. Vacation, uh, I mean business trip – Get out of the office for a few days. You know you want to. And if you’re independent, you have a great excuse to put your clients on hold for a little while. “Oh sorry, umm, I’m going to a very important business conference. I can’t make your logo bigger today.”

9. Be around “your people” – There’s nothing quite like being in a building with thousands of other people that can appreciate your hatred of Papyrus. You can walk around the convention center and mutually scoff at the kerning in the directional signs.

8. Network it, girl (or guy)! – Meet some amazing people in the industry and pick their brains about their careers. Ever wanted to know what it’s like to design for a place like NETFLIX or Old Navy or Pabst? These are just a few of the companies I saw/stalked on the Who’s Attending list.

7. The sexiest lineup of speakers – And I’m not just saying that because I’m one of them. Okay, yes, yes I am. But seriously, Chip Kidd? Aaron Draplin? Debbie Millman? Swooooooon!

6. Buckets of inspiration – Four days of industry leaders sharing their insights and advice. How else are you going to get that? Reading books? Pssshhh.

5. Beantown – Chowda. The Sox. Newbury Street (shopping, holla). Boston is an awesome city with amazingly clean public transportation. Score.

4. Personal Growth, blah blah blah – You may learn a thing or two… thousand. With sessions on typography, software, brainstorming, branding, etc., you’re sure to pick up some tips that will make you a better designer, or really, just a better human being overall.

3. As the Beibs would say, SWAG – The resource center is like a designer’s candy shop, but free, and less sticky. Prints from French Paper Company, t-shirts from Veer, swatchbooks out the wazoo. Bring your fightin’ elbows and get the goods.

2. Many open bars – The way to a designer’s heart is through his/her liver, and most of the vendors realize this. There are always some amazing open bar events where you are encouraged to get a bit ridiculous on the dance floor. Just remember, every designer has an iPhone that is fully equipped to post videos to YouTube.

1. The real conference happens after the sessions are over – Some of the best conversations take place at the hotel lobby bar or on one of the numerous pub crawls that are organized over the course of the conference. This is when you can really get to know people and make lifelong friends. Awwww.


BONUS: The real reason why you should attend HOW is to find me and buy me a drink.


Happy Weekend

01/ A grid wall, every designer’s hot dream.
02/ Mark Bittman’s No Fuss Dessert Generator.
03/ Cross-stitched cookies!
04/ The Human Pantone Guide, so smart.
05/ I love a good rock transformation.
06/ The prettiest anatomical cross-sections you’ll ever see!
07/ It’s official, I love 2D type and 4D type just as much.
08/ Unexpected rainbow origami street art.
09/ Miniature scenes to wear on your fingers.
10/ Oh man, Wes Anderson Bingo. IT’S ON.



Little Corners: welikewelove

This Thursday we’re visiting Little Corners in the home of Alyssa Yuhas of welikewelove!

I am so thankful for a good cup of coffee and beautiful morning light. It’s a pretty great way to start the day. When I’m not running around meeting clients at coffee shops, I love our at-home Nespresso machine and my striped Hudson Bay Company mug, recently given to me by a dear friend.


I love my desk, and being surrounded by inspiration and color. Plus, I like to keep close little reminders of special memories: like the pottery my sister painted and gave me for Christmas or my wedding vows typed out by my husband on our 1st anniversary.


I love the history of creativity that has been passed down in my family, my uncle (now an Architect in North Carolina) created the piece on top, and in college I made the lithograph below.


There is something about pets that calm the soul and I just love walking into a room and finding Abbey Road (a siamese ragdoll) sitting quietly in the window. Best!


My room is filled with history (bed frames, side tables and cabinets given by my grandparents and great-grandparents). I love the romance that it brings. And I love the little corner where I display some of my necklaces; the texture, sparkle and pop of color inspires me when I’m putting together outfits in the morning.


Berry Lemonade Cocktail + Homemade Blackberry Vodka

I think I might have found my go-to Summer 2012 cocktail – Berry Lemonade! (Which I totally made up.) It involves a little bit of thinking ahead, but you’re all good for that. Check it and see if it’s your go-to as well!


Berry Lemonade Cocktail

• 2 oz Homemade Blackberry Vodka (see below for recipe)
• 1 oz Strawberry Balsamic Simple Syrup
• 2 oz lemonade (I used pink)

Fill a highball glass with ice. Combine blackberry vodka, strawberry balsamic simple syrup, and lemonade and give it a stir (or shake if you’re Bond-like). Garnish with a few berries and you’re done!



Homemade Blackberry Vodka

• 2 pints blackberries
• 4 C vodka

Combine berries and vodka in an airtight container. Refrigerate for a week. DONE.