Snap, Crackle, Pop

As a kid, Rice Krispies Treats were sort of the be all end all of classroom birthday treats. We only made them about once a year at home, so it was always extra special for me. Lately I’ve been noticing a trend of dressed up RKTs that are a little more adultified, if you will. Browned butter, dark chocolate ganache, macadamia nuts – endless possibility! You’ll also notice different variations on crispy/crispies/krispy/krispies throughout that left me looking up the correct spelling of the cereal. Hope you find at least one recipe that takes you back to simpler times in a kicked up way. (Click on the image to be taken to the recipe and source.)
















All photos and recipes copyright of their respective source unless otherwise noted.


Rubber Band Jewelry

PHOTO: evie s.

Evie is one of my very favorite DIYers, she never fails to leave me inspired. She creates in a way that’s not to make something that already exists for less (although I love those projects, too) but to think up and share something new. And I swear her well is bottomless. I’m already mildly obsessed with her latest – rubber band jewelry. Completely genius!


Ten Dollar Fonts

Ten Dollar Fonts. That pretty much sums everything up nicely. Except that every font you purchase enter you into a drawing to win your money back, and that each time you buy you get an automatic promo code for your next visit. There’s only a smallish selection right now, but they look to be adding new fonts all the time so buy away!



Inflated/Deflated is a project by three Chicago-based creatives – Jillian, Lauren, and Kady. Everything from quotes to memories are written on the faces of inflated balloons. Once deflated they take on an entirely different art form. You can even purchase some of the balloons in their etsy shop.


Happy Weekend

01/ Pretty paper flowers with real branches
02/ Festive origami bunny garland
03/ Can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of Little Paper Planes: 20 Artists Reinvent the Childhood Classic
04/ String art is definitely trending!
05/ Desktop power lines to organize all those cords
06/ Ombre accordion folders to brighten up your desk
07/ American Girls photo series – I had Samantha
08/ Love the super saturated colors in these (inedible) RIT dyed eggs
09/ Ready to entertain with these brush stroke napkins
10/ Lisa Congdon’s 365 Days of Hand Lettering project is both pretty and smart


My March

Collected pear tree branches off of the side of the road.
Caught Roxy and Peanut like this and died.
Rediscovered honey sticks, a childhood favorite.
Was mesmerized at the peach tree blossoms at my mom and stepdad’s house.


Fell in love with cinnamon cardamom tea.
Celebrated my stepdad’s birthday. Piper, too.
Ate an orange nearly every day.
Experimented with color-blocking my nails.


Decided to test my black thumb with this bright kalanchoe.
Bought my first quart of strawberries of the year.
Piper got homemade treats in the mail from Capree and Wrigley.
Attended a dear college friend’s wedding.

You can follow me full-time on Instagram @designcrush


Little Corners: Miss Modish

The little corners of Miss Modish’s (aka Jena Coray’s) abode.

We bought our modest little 667sf house about two years ago, and although there’s still many projects to tackle, we’ve had so much fun painting it crazy colors and doing whatever we want for the first time! My main decorating tools are thrift store finds, art, plants and cats. 🙂 And light. I love the way the light pours into this home, and these spots are some of my favorite places to soak it up!