Neckwarmer Cowl Scarves


Even though it’s only just this week dipped into the 80s here, I’m already thinking well ahead into December. When I’ll finally be able to (hopefully) get out my winter coats and other paraphernalia. I have a deep love of all things cowl necked, and can’t help but eye up these scarves from Pip Robins in anticipation.


Oklahoma Bloggers Night Out

DESIGN: Rachel Shingleton


One thing you might not/probably don’t know is that Oklahoma has a really great blogging community. In this day and age I’m sure lots of cities do, but after living in Oklahoma City for a few years I’m used to fighting the stereotypes.

A few weeks ago a local OKC blogger and Twitter friend, Danielle, emailed me to see if I’d be interested in attending a blogger meetup. I said sure, just let me know when and where and I’ll be there. The next thing I knew there was a time and location nailed down and sponsors involved – talk about putting thoughts into action! She and Rachel Shingleton worked together to assemble a group of female bloggers (mainly design, food, fashion,and lifestyle types) in the OKC area for a night out of talking life and shop. I’d already met about two thirds of them and the newbies certainly did not disappoint.


I snagged a great seat at one end of the table and had fun watching it fill up and the night progress. And since I’ve been fighting a cold all week I opted out of Cheever’s wine list and went with hot tea. In 100 degree weather. Of course everyone thought I was crazy. The biggest disappointment is that I failed to take a photo of the glorious savory strudel Danielle and I shared, I plan on recreating it very, very soon.


Left to right: Danielle Barber, Evie Shaffer, Kathleen Shannon, Rachel Shingleton (hidden), Sara Kate Huff, sponsor from The Makeup Bar, Shana Myers, Erin Cooper, Rita Ortloff (hiding), Susan Wagner, Allison Barta, and Kathryne Taylor


Those of you who know me well know that nothing makes me happier than a good swag bag. (I’ve been known to get somewhere an hour earlier to ensure that I get one in a limited quantity situation.) I was completely impressed with the outpouring of generosity from all the local shops approached, and was flattered when asked to create a mixtape for the occasion.

A huge thank you to all of the sponsors who helped make the evening so great: The Makeup Bar, Chirps & Cheers, Cuppies & Joe (there would be a cupcake in the above photo, but I ate it immediately), Langston’s, Blue Seven, and Uptown Kids.

I had a blast connecting with everyone, hopefully this becomes an event with an even bigger reach sometime soon. Thanks so much to Danielle and Rachel for making it happen!


Project Runway Challenge #6


This past week’s challenge on Project Runway was mega creative and I loved it. Each contestant was paired with a student from the Harlem School of the Arts who created a special painting that was to be the inspiration for each designer’s avant-garde look. I wasn’t lucky enough to be able to pair with a student, but I was lucky enough to have the honor of using a painting by my lovely friend Lisa Congdon.

Check out her Red Garage, breathtaking isn’t it?

The idea was to create a look inspired by, but not mimicking, the painting. I chose a heavy white canvas as the base fabric for my large, flowing skirt. Then I attached rectangular cut pieces of fabric in all the colors represented in the barn and attached them with a hot glue gun (not enough time to sew them all on!) in a brick-like pattern. For the top I went with a raw silk the color of an overcast sky (poetic, no?) and created a voluminous half-sleeved, cropped blouse with a curvy abstract neckline. I then painted some abstract “trees” reaching up into the “sky” of it all. “Avant-garde” design is described as something you wouldn’t really see people on the streets wearing, but would definitely see on the runway or Lady Gaga. I think this is right along those lines, for sure.


From the Piperlime accessories wall I went with the Ivory Horn necklace from Hive & Honey and the Dimora heels from Charles David.


Later this week I’ll be jetting off to New York Fashion Week and the taping of this season’s Project Runway finale! And don’t worry, I’ll be bringing back a full report. If you haven’t seen my designs from the season up to this point, you can check them out here. And if you need to catch up on the season you can watch full episodes for free right online.

Full Disclosure: HP provided me with a TouchSmart 610 for use. All content and opinions are mine. I have not been financially compensated by HP or Project Runway.


Happy (Labor Day) Weekend

PHOTO: Ana Santos


01/ a go-to recipe for a simple berry coulis
02/ these cast bottle vases are everywhere, but I couldn’t help myself
03/ an updated DIY friendship bracelet in leather
04/ wooden envelope templates for extra special snail mail
05/ go fly a kite!
06/ the perfect fall motorcycle jacket
07/ a brilliant built-in wall outlet extension cord
08/ time for fall + spiced chai tea concentrate
09/ crazy about this geometric tiled patio!

See you Tuesday!



Clockwise from upper left: MUCU large blank notebook, Lisa Stickley classic pencils, russell + hazel yummy folder set, russell + hazel mini binder, Lisa Stickley classic day book, russell + hazel index notebook


I’m such a big nerd, every August I miss school so much! I always need to be learning something or tackling a new project to avoid feeling stagnant. But in all honesty my favorite part is shopping for new school supplies. I’d love to pick up the beauties above for the next big thing I’ve got up my sleeve!