Sentimental Journey

There are so many great collaborations becoming known to me lately, I can’t get enough. It really holds true, two heads (or more) are better than one. Here’s the latest, Sentimental Journey.

Kate Camp is a poet. Sarah Maxey is a graphic artist. Kris Sowersby is a typeface designer. Kate chose 20 phrases of two words, & splitting them, she sent half to Sarah & half to Kris. Sarah & Kris worked independently on their respective words, only revealing them to each other at the end of the project. No changes or adjustments have been made to them since. This is the result, entitled ‘Sentimental Journey’.

(via pinkshirtsandcarwrecks)


Happy Weekend (from Seattle)

PHOTO: Steve Shook

By the time you’re reading this I’ll be Seattle-bound for a little event I’ve been invited to attend. I’ve never been to the PNW before and am incredibly stoked. Not only to get to do a few awesome things I’d never be able to do otherwise, but also to meet up with some bloggers and my BFF from junior high during the two days I’ll be in town. This girl’s got a good life. On that note, I’m leaving you with an extremely fantastic/extended list of links you’ll want to be sure and click on.

01/  cute summer succulent garden you can mimic
02/  DIY wrap bracelets
03/  check out The Ultimate Hitch Cookbook
04/  the biggest Polaroid prints ever
05/  intricate laser lace tees + tops from Diana Eng
06/  a recipe for Butterbeer!
07/  I will never forget that I am awesome
08/ a candle made from a ball of waxed string
09/ the Decibel Audio Sound Frame gives your art a soundtrack
10/  you’ve never seen photos of flowers like these before
11/  summer water
12/  making this: leather beaded necklace
13/  a vertical turntable for your wall
14/  turn a men’s dress shirt into a skirt
15/  a travel mug coffee press!


Going Greek

One thing that I absolutely loved about spending my first 18 years in western PA was the plethora of culturally diverse food right at my fingertips. Italian, Polish, Russian, you name it. It wasn’t until I left and went to college that I realized those sorts of options weren’t everywhere. Each summer there’s even a festival in Ambridge, PA – a few towns over from where I grew up – called Nationality Days with booth after booth of different foods, all in one glorious location. Now that I’ve made myself a little homesick I’ll leave you to drool over these tasty Greek-inspired dishes. And as always, just click on the link to be taken to the recipe.


All photos and recipes copyright of their respective source unless otherwise noted.




Chances are you heard about Tattly (Designy Temporary Tattoos) yesterday when it launched. Swissmiss’s latest venture combines the work of talented designers and temporary tattoos in an unbelievably fun project that’s sure to entice kid and adult alike. Which one’s your fave? (I dig the anchor.)