Aguas Frescas

Aguas frescas sounds so much more exotic than “fruit juice”, but that’s just what it is. Head south of the border into Mexico (or just into the bordering southern states) and you’re sure to find big glass containers full of the stuff with ladles or spouts jutting out at every farmers market you visit. The jewel-toned beverages are consumed year-round, but their light and fragrant depths say summer.

Click on the photos to be taken to the recipe.










All photos and recipes copyright of their respective source unless otherwise noted.


The Geometry of Pasta

If I had to dream up a graphic designer’s ideal cookbook The Geometry of Pasta by designer Caz Hildebrand and chef Jacob Kenedy just might be it. The geometric black and white illustrations make this a must-have for your kitchen as well as your coffee table. The science, culture, and philosophy behind pasta and its myriad of shapes is paired with over 100 recipes from Kenedy to make this cookbook a masterpiece in every way. (via Pattern Pulp)


Pixie Sticks

PHOTO + LINK: Instructables

I love this recipe for making your own Pixie Sticks. Mainly because it gives me the perfect excuse to purchase paper straws, package them up all pretty like, and gift my friends.


The Perfect Beach Bag

This just might be the best beach bag I’ve ever seen. Leave it to Angela Adams, Sea Bags, and J. Crew to collaborate on this piece of colorblocking perfection.



I gasped with joy when a yellow promo stapler from poppin showed up on my desk yesterday afternoon. I’d seen the line mentioned in at least one magazine and my interests were piqued. Every piece is sleek and modern with bold monochromatic colors schemes and families. And best of all? Completely reasonably priced. I think I see a new desk set in my near future.



PHOTO: MakeupAlley

Not exaaactly a CMYK palette, but it will be once I try it on my own nails later this week. Crossing my fingers that I have the patience to sit still while it dries! (via Jenci)



In the world of design music plays a fairly large role. Whether it’s setting the mood for a project, creating some seriously insane cover art, or giving us background noise to drown out the world it’s there. Late I’ve been non-stop listening to Designers.MX, a site full of mixes created and designed by designers. It’s the perfect storm, really.